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Here are a few selected links to other frog-related webpages with good information or photos, as well as some links to breeders known for their excellent reputation and quality animals. A short description of page contents is included.

ZOO IN THE WILD A web-based "Virtual Zoo" that has a wonderful collection of amphibian photos, particularly Malagasy frogs (Boophis, Mantella, Heterixalus etc.), with a short description.

SANDFIRE DRAGON RANCH A source for quality animals, the Sandfire Dragon Ranch & it's owner, Mr. Bob Mailloux, have had a very successful year again with frogs. Some very interesting species for sale here.

VIVARIUM MAGAZINE The leading herp-magazine, features often articles dealing with Hylid etc. frogs. Have a look at back issues for some. Articles combine nicely valuable information to terrarium hobbyists with good photography and actual scientific information.

FROGS OF THE ARABUKO-SOKOKE FOREST The Arabuko-Sokoke is Kenya's last remaining coastal forest. It is but 400 km2 in area and located approximately 60 miles north of the port of Mombasa.During the rains, the study area is inundated, pools form some of which can be up to 70 cm deep providing breeding sites for over 20 species of frogs.

CHRIS MATTISON - NATURE PHOTOGRAPHICS A Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society and the BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year award winner in 1996, Mr. Mattison is widely known for his splendid photographs and the numerous herpetological books he has written.

BREEDING BIOLOGY OF THE MEXICAN LEAF-FROG by T. A. Wiewandt A web-print of an excellent article along with photos,reprinted with permission of the author from Fauna magazine, March/April, 1971. All about Pachymedusa's breeding habits.