Reconstructive Therapy Reconstructive Therapy Reconstructive therapy uses injections of natural substances to stimulate the growth of connective tissue in order to strenthen weak or damaged tendons or ligaments.As a simple,cost-effective alternative to drug and surgical treatments,reconstructive therapy is an effective treatment for degenerative arthritis,low back pain,carpal tunnel syndrome,migraine headaches,and torn ligaments and cartilage. Ligaments,tendons,cartilage,and bones have poor healing abilities due to lack of blood supply to this tissues,when these tissues become damaged,the joint becomes unstable,and in order to compensate,the body forms bony,arthritic spurs,which causes increased friction,increased pain and weekness,and a loss in joint mobility.further injury often occurs. Reconstructive therapy can facilitate the healing process for specific injuries. In case of injured joints,a local anestheticand a natural irritant sodium morrhuate-a purified deriavative of cod liver oil,dextrose,phenol,minerals,or other natural substances are injected into areas where ligaments,tendons,and cartilage are torn or week.The injection stimulates the body to produce more connective tissue,which helps to strenthen the week or damaged areas. What is it? Antineoplastons are substances that occur naturally in the human body. Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski first discovered and named these substances in the late 1960s. Because antineoplastons were found in the blood and urine of healthy people but not in cancer patients, Burzynski believes that these substances can control the growth of cancer cells. Burzynski developed a medicine
made up of antineoplastons that he claims are effective as a treatment
for cancer. Dr. Burzynski reports his greatest success with patients who
have certain types of childhood brain cancers and prostate cancer. He also
claims to have had good results with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, pancreatic
cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, and colon cancer.
How Does it Work? According to Burzynski’s theory, antineoplastons are a part of what he calls the human body's natural biochemical defense system. He claims that this defense system protects the body from diseases, such as cancer, that involve a breakdown in the chemistry of the body's cells. Antineoplastons work, he claims, by causing cancer cells to grow normally instead of uncontrollably. In 1980, Dr. Burzynski defined the chemicals that make up natural antineoplastons and produced a synthetic version of them. Dr. Burzynski claims that antineoplastons
are not toxic, and that they have few side effects. These side effects
include stomach gas, slight rashes, chills, fever, changes in blood pressure,
and an unpleasant body odor.
Will it Help? During the 1980s, NCI studied cases of cancer patients that Dr. Burzynski had treated with antineoplastons. There was no evidence that these patients benefited in any way from the antineoplaston treatment. In 1985, the Canadian Bureau of Prescription Drugs examined records of patients of Canadian doctors treated at Dr. Burzynski’s clinic in Houston. It found that of 36 patients, 32 had not benefited from the treatment and had died. Of the remaining four, one died after some slight improvement, one died after stabilizing for a year, and two were still alive, but had widespread cancer. In 1991, NCI conducted another review of patients treated with antineoplastons, this time involving a series of Dr. Burzynski’s best cases. This review showed that seven patients with incurable brain cancer may have benefited from antineoplastons treatment. NCI then proposed that a formal clinical trial be done to provide a clear and unbiased evaluation of the effectiveness and safety of antineoplastons. The study began in 1993 but closed in 1995 because NCI and Burzynski could not agree on ways to increase the number of patients who could participate in the study. Dr. Burzynski submitted an application to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requesting that antineoplastons be assigned an investigational new drug (IND) number. Assignment of an "IND" would allow Dr. Burzynski to study the drug. The FDA issued a treatment IND to Dr. Burzynski. Under the IND classification, Dr. Burzynski can use antineoplastons in clinical trials at his clinic to treat patients with several different types of advanced cancers. The clinical trials are sponsored by NCI; Dr. Burzynski is the participating clinical investigator. As these patients are treated and carefully followed, their progress will be reported and solid data about the value of this treatment finally will be available. Recomndation: Until there is documented evidence from controlled studies of the drug's efficacy as a cancer treatment, the American Cancer Society urges individuals with cancer to discuss treatment options with their oncologists. Patients who may be considering antineoplaston treatment are urged to do so only in the context of appropriately conducted and independently monitored clinical trials so that the drug safety and effectiveness can be studied. The Society urges individuals with cancer to remain in the care of qualified doctors who use proven methods of treatment and approved clinical trials of promising new treatments. Patients are encouraged to talk openly with their health care providers about any alternative treatments they are considering, and to consider helpful complementary therapies that can be used effectively along with mainstream (or conventional) treatment. Chelation therapy is a safe and effective method for drawing toxins and metabolic wastes from the bloodstream. Chelating agents administered intravenously have been proven to increase blood flow and remove arterial plaque.Chelation therapy can help reverse artherosclerosis, can prevent heart atttacks and strokes, and is used as an alternative to bypass surgery and angioplasty. Chelation therapy has been used safely on more than five hundread thousand patients in the United States for the past forty years, but EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid), the drug used during the infusions, has yet to receive FDA(Food and Drug Administration) approval for anything other than lead and heavy metal toxicit. Still, there are over one thousands physicians who recommend and use chelation therapy for cardiovascular disease and related health problems. Following the treatment protocol set by the American College of Advancement in Medicine and the American Board of Chelation Therapy, FDA-spproved studies are currently uderway to establish the saftey of EDTA. What is it? Oxygen therapies alter the body's chemistry to help overcome disease,promote repair,and improve overall function. These therapies have been found to be effective in treating a wide variety of conditions,including infections(viral,fungal,parasitic,bacterial),circulatory problems,chronic fatigue syndrome,arthritis,allergies,cancer,and multiple sclerosis. Oxygen therapy refers to wide range of therapies utilizing oxygen in various forms to promote healing and destroy pathogens(disease-producing microorganisms and toxins)in the body. These therapies are grouped according to the type of chemical process involved:the addition of oxygen to the blood or tissues is called "oxygenation",and "oxidation" is the reaction of splitting off electrons from any chemical molecule oxidation may or may or may not involve oxygen one therapy that utilizes the process of oxygenation is hyperbaric oxygen therapy,which introduces oxygen to the body in a pressurized chamber. Hydrogen peroxide therapy,on the other hand,uses the process of oxidation. Ozone therapy utilizes both of these chemical procesess. Although various oxygen therapies have been utilized in Europe for many years for a wide range of conditions,in the United States,most remain controversial and are currently unapproved by the FDA. Legality of oxygen therapies varies from state to state. How does it works? All human cells,tissues,and
organs need oxygen to function, oxygenation saturates the body with oxygen
through the use of gas,sometimes at high-pressure(hyperbaric),