Welcome to Living Waters Canberra!
Living Waters is prayerfully supported in Canberra by churches of
various denominations, and is hosted
as a ministry of Tuggeranong Baptist Church. This site contains links to information about the programs
which will be run during 2004.
One of our programs may be for you if you desire to . . .
- Deepen your relationship with Jesus
- Grow in your identity as a man or woman of God Allow Him to reveal
the good of your self and your identity
- Face the brokenness of your present state and the painful realities
that led you there
- Receive the healing gifts of the Holy Spirit in deep areas, to walk
free from sinful behaviour patterns
A message from the founder.
. . Andy Comiskey
Jesus said to his disciples:
"Now that I . . . have washed your feet,
you also should wash one another's feet" (John 13:14)
Living Waters is that part of the church where we can extend the lowliest
parts of ourselves and there discover
His compassion. Mercy and truth meet us. As we reveal our brokenness to others, God's
living water cleanses
us and transforms us into the men and women of God's design.
Welcome to the waters!
- Andy Comiskey is the International Director of Living Waters, and
is founder and Director of Desert Stream Ministries.
- Based at the Vineyard Church in Anaheim, Andy ministers extensively
to the sexually and relationally broken.
- Pastor Ron Brookman of the Sans Souci Vineyard is the Director of
Living Waters Australia.
- Brenton Honeyman is the coordinator of Living Waters, Canberra.