All Whaling Pictures by AltaVista
{Faroe Islands Pilot Whales. On Apr. 15, 1999, the German food
distribution company ALDI Einkauf GmbH & Co. announced that it would cease
doing business with Faroe Islands at the expiration of its current
contract for frozen salmon fillets, in protest of the annual pilot whale
kill in the Faroe Islands.} [Environment News Service]
HI Whale Watching and Research Violations. On Apr. 15, 1999, NMFS
announced that a HI whale watching and research operation had been
assessed a $13,000 civil penalty for 7 civil violations of the Marine
Mammal Protection Act and the Endangered Species Act occurring between
January and May 1998. Charges include failing to allow inspection of
research records by providing falsified documents, unauthorized approached
to humpback whales, failure to include research data in annual reports,
allowing unauthorized personnel to operate a research vessel, and failure
to keep accurate and complete research records. [NOAA press release]