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FArtist Profiles (by art medium)

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The Dakota Art Gallery

This is the gallery of the Sisseton Wahpeton Sioux Tribe. Featured artists include JoAnne Bird, Madeline White and Paul War Cloud.

Glendora Daubs  Born into a family of artists, this Jemez Pueblo, New Mexico artisan grew up watching her mother, Juanita Fragua, making pottery.  Glendora began experimenting with the sgraffito, or scratch technique. The design is created by scratching away part of the polished surface of the pot. This is the most difficult of all decorating methods, but Glendora has mastered it. Her work shows a delicacy and sophistication unusual for an artist of her age.  She won many awards in shows all over the southwest, including first place ribbons at Indian Market in Santa Fe and at the Eight Northern Pueblos Arts and Crafts Show.

Jemez Pot

Betty David Previously available only at museum and craft shows this wearable art is now available on the internet. All coats are custom made by Betty David, a member of the Spokane Tribe of Indians. They are decorated with Northwest Coast designs in a style shared by over 20 groups of Indians in Alaska, Canada and Washington.  Only a few hundred coats are produced each year, and each is truly one of a kind. Styled to flatter, custom made to fit perfectly, designed to never go out of style, these coats are being collected by discriminating art lovers who know and want only the best.

a Betty David Design for him

Tania Alisa Diotalevi Originally from British Columbia, this Metis artist grew up in central Alberta.  She studied the fundamentals of art through the Emily Carr College of Art and Design in Vancouver.  Tania also holds a diploma in Wildlife Conservation and believes that the knowledge she has gained thereby aids in the accuracy of her drawings.  She accepts assignments and commissions on a regular basis. Original art as well as numerous reproductions are also available. Contact Talisart Images for a  catalogue ($5.00 refundable with first purchase over $20.00)

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