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Story of an ordinary

Name: My name is Herne,


I am a Warrior Pagan, Mage and Philosopher...........

I view the world as a great sadness from which we hesitantly carve out our meager existence as we hunger for the unreachable..........then we die.

My Favorites in most categories (like you care)

Food: Lasagna, steak, shepherds pie, hot dogs, apple and pumpkin pie, eclairs

Drink: Twinnings Earl Grey Tea, Cafe Latte, Capuccino, tequila

Music: Medieval music, Baroque, Celtic (my favorite)

Moment: Sunsets, twilight hours, summer nights, campfires

Fears: Sharks, mambas, cobras, LOVE, did I mention love?

Pet Peeves: Terrorists, racists, ex-wives, gun laws, feminists, fake friends ex-wives

Dream: Success, world peace, space and time travel, intellectual stimuli, and most of all.........a friend I can trust and confide in.....I shall bet on the easy things like world peace.


Here is a picture depicting my namesake. I am Herne the Green Man, the Hunter, the Horned One. It doesn't look like me, but it is a nice pic.......:)


I have an academic background in counselling. Other than that, I am the man you can call at 3am and cry on my shoulder and I will listen and help you sort things out.

At present I am sitting here reflecting on many things. I devote a lot of time to my work, my research for my books and projects and very little else but feel my life is far from being complete. I am restless for many reasons and unhappy for a thousand more. I am also working off and on with a few plans. I have a student from the Witchcraft classes I teach who is a graphic artist and she is turning my book into a comic. Lots of time and work there. I would love to be a full time author as well but I am still waiting for word from several Publishing companies in regards to my first manuscript. I will be working on other books in the series a bit at a time and hope to have book 1 published by the end of next year at this time and a series to follow. I am also in the process of seting things in a row to open a store of Witchcraft supplies with one of my High Priestess's. Meanwhile I teach on saturdays and will soon work full-time during the week. I love secrets and swords and steel and the challenges you make and excel at. I love the darkness, the shadows and the sound of the forest at night.


My Poetry



The night caresses my tear filled eyes

As sunset turns the page

Shadows creep to claim the land

The silence feeds my rage


Wandering in the darkness

My heart turned hard as stone

Being kindred is my only sin

For this I am alone


I dream of sun filled landscapes

And castles dead and cold

But pain filled thoughts assail me

Like ancient Celts of old


The star lit sky is endless

Above forgotten graves

A pristeen mirror looking glass

A soul that can't be saved


You look, you fear, you hate me

Am I so different from you

There must always be the hunted

Tomorrow it may be you


The scent, the hunt, the capture

On moonless trails I run

Alas it is my nature

That begins with the death of the sun


I prowl the dark cold laneways

A curse apon my head

Pray to all that's merciful

That I will soon be dead

e must always be the hunted

A Dragon Stands Alone

Of shattered dreams and eye filled nights

Of swords that cry for more

The stars scream out to still these sights

Like tears of tarnished ######


The smell of death is here on nigh

Of evil now awake

I tread on grinning skulls piled high

Amid a red tinged lake


Pain and fear are feelings past

Hell hungers for your soul

The end is set, the die is cast

By realms millennia old


The shades of chaos marches by

Before me I do see

No flesh, no soul, they tread along

The mortal dogs doth flee


Upon this plane of life unlived

Through eyes of Death I gaze

This gore encrusted blade I lift

Is all that can be raised


Of battlements and ancient Bards

Now dust and bits of bone

From deep in Hell a scream rings out

A Dragon stands alone


The faces lie by smiling

Their eyes glisten like ice

You've shared with them your secrets

For this you pay the price


They said they would be always there

In pain alone you sit

You hope in vain that they may care

But they don't give a ####


They tell you things you hope are true

They make you feel at home

But fool I am, too blind to see

I walk this cliff alone


You bare your soul to plastic friends

And give these people worth

Sadly though, it's hurt they send

You soon regret your birth


You sit not for love or bonding

Just a hand for help or hope

Instead they give you longing

To dance at the end of a rope


Her almond eyes so soft and warm

Her hair a radiant rust

With breasts and arms enchanting

Her lips confide her lust


The softness of her inner thighs

A warmth that passion brings

The icy breeze that speeds the pulse

And makes the body sing


A melding of two primal shapes

The fires haunt the night

Savage movements of carnal release

A tear, a moan takes flight


The ending comes too soon my love

As dusk is claimed by dawn

A promise scribed in ivory tombs

To build our hearts apon


Clarity of innocence

Her eyes bespoke her pain

The loss of all she cherished

In tears of icy rain


Her last good-bye to sunrise

This creature of the night

Her breasts so pale and fragile

Her teeth so sharp and white


Forever waits before her

The past becomes opaque

A new beginning beckons her

Your soul for her to take


The darkened night her playground

She taunts you to her bed

And paints her kingdom's landscape

In shades of black and red


I look at love so differently

Like death it takes it's toll

Beware the trap though innocent

It kills without a soul


She came to me at midnight

Her heart for me to share

This trust was for the offering

A gift so pure, so rare


Our lives would be forever

With passion wild and free

Love twists its blade within me

And tore my heart from me


I gazed into her innocent eyes

She turned and bared her throat

I crushed bare breasts against me

Her cry a somber note


The centuries pass yet I remember

The way it was that night

Love was crowned the victor

And killed my will to fight


I feel a presence deep within

It hails from ancient times

Of battlements and clashing swords

Where evil had no crimes

I feel a presence in my heart

It burns as hot as coals

I fear its touch and meaning

To crush immortal souls

I feel a presence in the dark

So vigilant with rage

A spiral dance of life and death

Like serpents in a cage

I feel a presence all around

Confusion, fear and hate

This place I share with mortals

May also seal my fate

I am the presence here and now

In shadows deep and black

I rule the dark in all it's forms

A wolf's head on your track


Love is such a tragedy

Emotions biggest flaw

It transcends our survival

Our specie's perfect flaw


An opaque delusion of happiness

A facade to life a joke

A blind mans observation

A slaves eternal yoke


What should be self apparent

Beyond all faceless fears

A bloodless human sacrifice

Its pain awash with tears


Love is such a tragedy

As cold, as cruel can be

Don't give your heart to strangers

You'll end up just like me

Final Curtain

The sky had darkened suddenly

The time for war is here

The clouds for battle readily

Remarked to us so clear


A land so rich and plentiful

Now craters in the dust

All their dreams so fanciful

Now ash and jagged rust


The field of skulls are smiling

No living left to count

The heaps of dead romancing

The opaque magenta fount


The greed the thirst now sated

For grasping hands no more

The lust for power faded

We close this final door


What can be proved

By words from fools

In wars so greatly loved

When all is said and deeds are done

No answers for the dead...

And so......if you have come thus far...perhaps my poetic thoughts have not scared thee away.......

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K'Veshwi Karv'dich-Kasara, Please send all comments to