Praegraten am Grossvenediger
This beautiful place is called Praegraten am Grossvenediger, and is located in the Province of Tyrol (Tirol) in Austria.

Do you want to know more about this town and the region it is located in?
Check out the following links.
Tiscover - Austrian Tourism Info page. See option in upper left hand corner to switch to english. (Tourismusinformation)

- Great page about my hometown ... everything the hiker needs to know ... in german (Tolle page ueber Hinterbichl, besonders hilfreich fuer den Wanderer und Bergsteiger.)

Hohe Tauern Sued
- Lists daytrips that can be taken ... in German ... but check it out for the photos! (Tips fuer Tagesausfluege ... schoene Photos!)

- Newspaper of the region, live-cam, and much more. (Osttiroler Bote, Wetterprognosen, und vieles mehr.)

- Newspaper and other informative info on the greater region. (Tiroler Tageszeitung, und andere Tirol-bezogene Informationen.)

- Links to institutions and government offices. (Kultur, Informationsnetz, etc.)
Would like to know specifics about this area?
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