The Negaverse Nexus

The NegaVerse Nexus is a webring dedicated to the villians of Sailor Moon. If you've got a Sailor Moon Site that's based on any Sailor Moon villian, join us! (Besides helping us, joining rings tends to increase the number of hits you receive...)

There are three steps to joining in our fight against justice:


Site Title:


To get into the ring you have to display our ring's links on your page. There are alternate graphics in the works. To see the HTML, either view the document source with your browser, or click here. Cut and paste the HTML into your page where you think it looks best, but it must be: 1. On your index page *OR* 2. On the page that you submit to the ring. If it is not, won't find it, and you'll be kicked back into the queue. It can't simply be put in a webring section anymore, unless you submit the webring page to the ring.

This Negaverse Nexus site is owned by _______
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Want to join the Negaverse Nexus?
Click here for info.

When you're putting this into your own page, don't forget to fill in the blanks. The first blank (mailto:_____) should be REPLACED with your e-mail address. Don't just add your address next to the blank, or it won't work. The next blank, right after the mailto blank, should be your name or your nickname. All other blanks should be replaced by the ID number that you were given when you filled out the first form. You did fill out the form, didn't you? Your links should look like those above. NOTE: You do NOT have to use the above images. New images are in the works that should cover all major villians in all series. I may also consider adding youmas later, and you can also submit images to me.


Finally, the simplest step of all: E-mail Lady Macbeth and ask me to add you to the ring. Simple!

If you're already a member, you can use this form to edit your site info:
