Montana Chapter SWCS Endowment Fund




SWCS was founded in 1945 as the Soil Conservation Society of America by leaders of the soil conservation movement including Hugh Hammond Bennett, the "Father of Soil Conservation." The name was changed in 1987 from the Soil Conservation Society of American to the Soil and Water Conservation Society. The change reflects the Society's interest in soil and water conservation and the organization's international membership and scope of activities.

The Montana Chapter, the sixth in the nation to be organized, was started in July 1945 and officially designated in December 1945. The Chapter is represented by five area directors and a slate of four officers.

SWCS is a nonprofit, scientific, and educational organization. Classified under Internal Revenue Service regulations as a 501 (c) (3) organization. All contributions, including membership payments, are tax deductible under the provisions of the Tax Reform Act of 1986.

The mission of the Soil and Water Conservation Society is to
advocate the conservation of soil, water, and related natural resources.
It synthesizes the results of research, experience, and custom to develope
a knowledge base and stewardship ethic that are communicated worldwide.


The Montana Chapter of the SWCS Endowment was created as an affiliate of the Montana Community Foundation in 1989. The concept of the Endowment emerged to create an opportunity to invest in the future of Montana's soil, water, air, plant and animal life.

The purpose of the Endowment is to provide a perpetuating source of funding to meet the existing and future needs of the state's natural resources.

Funding areas have been identified which correlate with the goals fo the Montana Chapter of SWCS.

Youth Achievemnt Awards
Public seminars on land and water quality issues
Scholarships for college and educational workshops
Research on natural resource issues

All programs and services of the Montana SWCS are available on a nondiscriminatory basis without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, marital status or handicap.


The Endowment will be administered by an SWCS advisory board. This board's primary function will be to secure and administer endowments or other gifts made to improve the quality of Montana's natural resources.

Decisions on financial awards and grants will be made on a local level utilizing this local board. Donors should be advised that their special charitable objectives will be honored.

As a local affiliate of the Montana Community Foundation, our endowment becomes part of an $8 million dollar pool of funds. This investment allows the maximum investment potential for our fund, plus the benefit of professional fiscal management.

For more information and donar option policy tailored to meet specific need, call or write:

Montana Chapter of SWCS Endowment Fund
512 N 21st Ave.
Bozeman, MT 59718

Donors should consult with their tax lawyer or accountant for up-to-date tax information.

A foundation is like planting a tree.
You do not plant a tree with expectations of enjoying its' shade today.
You must wait until it grows, that it may be enjoyed by future generations.

If you would like to help provide a lasting legacy for Montana's natural resources, we have provided a form that you can print off your computer and send to us. Please just click on the link:

buttonMontana Chapter of SWCS Endowment Form

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