Stop dynamite! Its killing Dolphins and Turtles in the San Bernadino strait - Philippines.

Dolphins Turtles and Dynamite!


What are Dolphins doing about the Dynamite?


Dolphins have changed their habits in navigating the San Bernadino Strait and it seems they have learned and know the methods, habits and times of the Dynamite Fishermen!
The migrating Dolphins assemble and group together in late afternoon at a safe distance, then go through the Strait in the late evening whilst the fishermen are back at home having supper!

Of late dynamite is also being used at night in certains areas of the Samar sea and this must be a further alarm for the Dolphins and similar species.

Like anybody, Dolphins sometimes get a bit greedy and follow the Tuna fish to within the Dynamite fishing areas. Or sometimes they are just too playfull and forget the dangers or the time. Those are the moments when they face the danger of suffering ear damage or being completely deafened.
Deafened Dolphins can no longer navigate and must remain close to the group they live with, in some cases they have to be fed by other Dolphins, unable to catch food and if left alone they would become lost and Die!

Each jump,each dive,each move that a Dolphin makes as it swims, it does by using an enlarged navigational/balance system in the inner ear.


We were lucky!

Us Turtles are not so lucky!
click me and I'll tell you why.


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