
The Turtles Birthday

The Turtle swam on, she was now very close,
there were cracks in her shell and blood from her nose.

Exhausted and broken she came to my boat,
a sigh, or a cry came out of her throat.

Rest here I said, then offered some fish,
she just closed her eyes, like she was making a wish.

Above flew a Gull without making a sound,
as a mystical stillness seemed to fall all around.

I climbed in the sea and the Turtle I held,
the Gull flew down and joined us as well.

I took off my shirt and a bandage I made,
cleaned up the Turtle as the Gull squarked and swayed.

After a while when the bleeding had stopped,
Turtle opened her eyes and said with a cough;

"It was something like Thunder! The sea did explode,
of the eggs that I carry, I've lost most I know.

I swam with my Sisters, they were just up ahead,
they were swallowed by thunder,I'm sure they are dead."

The pain I was feeling was not easy to hide,
both me and the Gull silently cried.

Then the fish I had offered the Gull tore apart,
and digging inside pulled out its heart.

Flapping and squarking put the heart in my hand,
though it took me some moments to quite understand.

From the palm of my hand Turtle licked at the heart,
then said she was ready and now must depart.

"And thank you" she said as she leaned more my way,
"For the kindness you give on this my birthday,"

Me and the Gull watched til she was gone,
but the bond we all formed until now lingers on.

I started my engine and headed on home,
my Gull friend followed, I was never alone.

All below creatures, those above, those in shame,
know what happened and know who's to blame!


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