Code of Ethics

This Code of Ethics is formulated to raise the standards of Environmental Auditing practices among the SEAM members to achieve the following objectives:

  • Enable sharing of knowledge and make improvements pertaining to the best practices in environmental audit among SEAM members, and
  • Enhance professionalism in Environmental Auditing practices in Malaysia to uphold the spirit of social responsibilities and accountability in line with laws, regulations and guidelines governing the environment.

The hallmark of any profession is the acceptance by its members of their professional responsibilities towards the interests of those whom they serve. The Standards of Conduct for SEAM are as follows:

1.  To conduct Environmental Audit only in those areas of environmental science, safety, health  or technology in which professional competence has been attained.

2.  To strive for professional competence at all times, and exhibit a high degree of skill and proficiency in the performance of Environmental Auditing.

3.  To take all measures tom prevent any conflict of interest that could compromise the planning and management of Environmental Auditing.

4.  To comply with all relevant environmental legislation and other requirements for the client and the auditee.

5.  To exercise honesty, objectivity and due diligence in the exercise of powers and discharge of responsibilities in conducting Environmental Audit.

6.  Not to solicit or accept, directly or indirectly anything of value from anyone that would impair or be presumed to impair professional judgment.

7.  To be prudent in the use of information acquired in the course of discharging responsibilities.

8.  Not to use confidential information for any personal gain nor in any manner that would be contrary to law and the Environmental Auditing profession.

9.  To reveal all material facts known when reporting on the results of work done which, if not revealed, could either distort reports of operations under review or conceal unlawful practices.

10. To cooperate fully with an inquiry in the event of any alleged breach of Standards of Conduct.



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