Animals are around only once, take care of them, if they disappear they will never come back. Every second one entire species goes extinct. Every minute one hectacre of Rain forest some where on earth is destroyed forever.
It is little known but in northern Alberta, Canada where it takes 200 years for a tree to grow 15 cm or 6 inches across and loggers are cutting them down like a knife through butter, yet the Canadian Government does nothing. In a rural community I have heard about, called Saprae Creek, the loggers are hauling out atleast 5 logging trucks a day, each stocked full.
That is only one example, for instance each year 124,000 sq. mi. or 320,000 sq. km of rain forests disappear forever. The rainforests are 1/10 of Earth's surface and is home to more than 2/5ths of the animal life on Earth. Most of these are undiscovered plant and animal life. Rain forests eliminate thousands of tons of Carbon dioxide, helping to reduce the amount of Carbon dioxide in the air and helping to fight global warming. Scientists are expecting the rainforest to disappear by 2030. Not only that but they are being flooded too. The dams are flooding 100,000 sq. mi. or 260,000 The Amazon Jungle is home to more than 200,000 native people.
Scientists predict that the global climate is going to rise 5°C or 9°F by 2030. If this happens, the change in temprature would effect the North and South Poles the most, causing 2% of the earth's water to melt. If all this water melts, then the global water level is going to rise a few feet, causing almost all costal areas to flood. That would mean saying goodbye to Miami! Millions of plants and animals would die.
Poaching and the killing of various animals is still very common. The crocidile, whose numbers are in decline, is one example. The graceful tiger is another. The sharks, alive for millions of years, are being hunted. How much is enough? How long will it be before there is nothing left of one of Earth's most graceful creatures. The African and Indian elephants are another example. In the late 1980's there was thought to be less then half a million elephants left in Africa. The elephant's habitat is being destroyed for ranching and farming. Sound familiar? It should the same thing is happening to rainforests around the world for very much the same reason.
People are careless with the trash, an example is December 15,1983 when it is estimated that somewhere between 1/4 or 1/2 tons of plutonium was released into the Irish Sea. There are runoffs from farms, which include chemical fertilizers, etc. Oils, heavy metals, sewage, and cleaners all go into the ocean.