Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA)
Vitebsk branch

YMCA logo

Postal address: 14-1-8 Chkalava Str., Viciebsk 210022 BELARUS

Tel/fax: 375(212)96-21-89 /for SKREBNIOW/

Legal status: Viciebsk YMCA is a branch of YMCA International, member of Council of Belarusan YMCAs. Viciebsk YMCA is a registered legal entity with the right to open and operate ruble and hard currency bank accounts.

Registration: March 11, 1998; registration # 0169

Events organized in 1998 and planned for 1999:

One more seminar on legal issues for young people (done);

A series of talks and lectures on foreign countries
- Japan (done)
- The U.S.A. (done)
- Italy (done)
- France (done)
- Germany (done)
- Sweden (planned for 1999)
- Switzerland (done)
- Poland (planned for 1999);

English language contest for ordinary schools of Viciebsk (done)

A series of educational trips to historical places of Belarus

Polatsk (done)
Navagrudak (planned for 1999)
Nesvizh (planned for 1999)
Minsk (planned for 1999)
Exhibition of books for studying foreign languages (done)
A New year party, American style (done)
Presentations on various topics in local high schools, helping school high teachers (being done since September '98, references available on request)
Viciebsk YMCA representatives are constantly taking part in official meetings of Belarus YMCA and regional field group sessions in Belarus and abroad. Viciebsk YMCA runs joint projects with Minsk YMCA and Lida YMCA (ELT).

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