Contract with the Universe

Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav


Each soul comes to the Earth with gifts. A soul does not incarnate only to heal and to balance its energy, to pay its karmic debts, but also to contribute its specialness in specific ways.

Each soul brings the particular configuration of the Life force that it is to the needs of the Earth school. It does this with purpose and intention.

Before it incarnates, each soul agrees to perform certain tasks upon the Earth. It enters into a sacred agreement with the Universe to accomplish specific goals. it enters into this commitment in the fullness of its being.

That is why when a soul succeeds in accomplishing its goal, in fulfilling what it has agreed to do, there is a richness and a specialness to the lifetime of that personality that is recognized and honored by its fellow souls, both physical and nonphysical.

Each soul takes upon itself a particular task. It may be the task of raising a family, or communication ideas through writing, or transforming the consciousness of a community, such as the business commmunity.

It may be the task of awakening the awareness of the power of love at the level of nations, or even contributing directly to the evolution of conciousness on a global level.

Whatever the task that your soul has agreed to, whatever its contract with the Universe, all of the experiences of your life serve to awaken within you the memory of that contract, and to prepare you to fulfill it.

An unempowered personality cannot complete the task of its soul. It languishes in an inner sense of emptiness. It seeks to fill itself with external power, but that will not satisfy it. This sense of emptiness, or something missing, or of something wrong, cannot be healed by satisfying the wants of the personality.

Gratifying needs that are based upon fear will not bring you to the touchstone of purpose. No matter how successful the personality becomes in accomplishing its goals, those goals will not be enough. Eventually it will hunger for the energy of its soul. Only when the personality begins to walk the path that its soul has chosen will it satisfy its hunger.

When the soul incarnates, its memory of the agreement that it has made with the Universe becomes soft. It becomes dormant, awaiting the experiences that will activate it. These experiences are not necessarily experiences that the personality would choose. They are nonetheless necessary to the activation of the awareness of the power and the mission of the soul within the consciousness of the personality, and its preparation for that task.

What does it feel like to remember your soul's task?

When the deepest part of you becomes engaged in what you are doing, when your activities and actions become gratifying and purposeful, when what you do serves both yourself and others, when you do not tire within but seek the sweet satisfaction of your life and your work, you are doing what you were meant to be doing.

The personality that is engaged in the work of its soul is buoyant. It is not burdened with negativity. It does not fear. It experiences purposefulness and meaning. It delights in its work and in others. It is fulfilled and fulfilling.

Interaction with your family, and with those whom you have chosen to share your intimacy, and with those with whom - out of the billions of souls upon our planet - you share parts of your life, serve to activate within you an awareness of who you are and what you are here to do.

The pains that you suffer, the lonelinesses that you encounter, the experiences that are disappointing or distressing, the addictions and seeming pitfalls of your life are each doorways to awareness. Each offers you an opportunity to see beyond the illusion that serves the balancing and growth of your soul.

Within each experience of pain or negativity is the oppportunity to challenge the perception that lies behind it, the fear that lies behind it, and to choose to learn with wisdom. The fear will not vanish immediately, but will disintegrate as you work with courage.

When fear ceases to scare you, it cannot stay. When you choose to learn through wisdom, to evolve consciously, your fears surface one at a time in order for you to exorcise them with inner faith. That is how it happens. You exorcise your own demons.

Your guides and Teachers continually offer you Light. They encourage you in each moment to your fullest growth and development, yet they cannot prevent you from your learning or your growing or your moving through your experiences and letting your experiences influence you.

This is so even if you are able to communicate with them consciously and directly. Your experiences will move you right or left, and you will ask your Teacher this question or that. It you move left, your question will be entirely different than if you had moved right, and the reality that you open by that question will be entirely different.

Let go of what you think is just reward.
Let go. Trust. Create. Be who you are.
The rest is up to your nonphysical Teachers and the Universe.

Take your hands off the steering wheel.
Be able to say to the Universe, "Thy will be done."
Allow your life to go into the hands of the Universe completely.
The final piece of reaching for authentic power is releasing your own to a higher form of wisdom.

Remind yourself that you are supported, that you are not going it alone upon this Earth.
Dwell in the company of your nonphysical Teachers and guides.

Try looking at life as a beautifully well-organized dynamic.
Trust the Universe.
Trusting means that the circumstance that you are in is working toward your best and most appropriate end.
There is no when to that.
There is no if to that.
It is.
Say to the Universe: "Find me where you know I need to be."
Let them go and trust that the Universe will provide, and so it shall.
Let go of all.
Let your highter self complete its task.

Allow yourself to pray.
Just as the many times human beings find themselves in circumstances where the hurt or the pain is so great that on their own power they cannot forgive, it is enough that they pray to be given the grace, the perception, the elevated Light that will allow them to forgive.

It is impossible for you to come full circle in this way of empowerment without prayer. It is not enough to want or to intend or to meditate. You must pray. You must talk. You must ask. You must believe. That is partnership.

Relax into the present moment.
Do what you need to do in the present moment.
Yours is not to worry about that which we call the future.
Do not lose power over the what-ifs of your life.
These are unlimited and endless.
Keep your power just in the day that you are living on the Earth, and not on how to maneuver tomorrow.

Feel your intentions in your heart.
Feel not what your mind tells you, but what your heart tells you.
Rather than serve the fake gods of your mind, serve your heart, the real God.
You will not find God in your intellect.
Divine Intelligence is in the heart.

Compassion is mutual compassion.
The physical body is soothed and invigorated by the energy of the heart, and torn by lower frequency currents of anger, rage, fear and violence.
When you treat another harshly and distance yourself from your heart, it is you that suffers as well as the other, and when you treat another with compassion,you treat yourself kindly at the same time.

Trust allows you to give. Giving is abundant. As you give so it shall be given to you. If you give with judgment, limitation and stinginess, that is what you will create in your life - judgment, limitations and stinginess. What you say to others shall be done exactly unto you. That is the law of karma, and how you love and serve others shall be done exactly unto you. If you radiate love and compassion, you do receive it.

Trust allows the experience of bliss.
Trust allows you to laugh.
All of what you are doing in each day is creating what is appropriate and perfect.

Apply consciousness to this process. That is trust.

Align your personality with your soul and move toward becoming a being of the Light, fully whole and empowered and inwardly secure. Humbleness, forgiveness, clarity and love, all the gifts of the spirit, take root and bloom, and you draw to yourself the Universe's greatest gift: human beings with open hearts.

Rather than a soul in a body, become a body in a soul. Reach for your soul. Reach even farther. The impulse of creation and power authentic - the hourglass point between energy and matter: that is the seat of the soul. What does it mean to touch that place?
It is exciting to come of age spiritually.

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