Grammy Gene

My Grandmother was known by many different names.  She was Mrs. Poulain, Gene & Mom,...but to myself and a few others, she was Grammy Gene.

She was one half of that duo we knew as Grammy Gene & Grampy Charlie.

Over the past few days my mind has been flooded with images and memories.  For some reason one stands out above the others.  It’s the memory of sitting on her lap as a child and having her scratch my back.  I’ve always figured that a person really has to love you if they’re willing to scratch you back for hours on end without complaint.

Actually, when I was young, I thought she grew her nails long for the sole purpose of scratching backs. I later found out that this wasn’t the case but it felt good to think that way.

So many people through time have longed to become immortal, live on forever.  They try in many different ways.  Some accumulate vast sums of money and try to live on through their money.   Others do things that get their names recorded in the annals of history.

My Grandmother achieved immortality in the only way truly possible.  That’s by living on in the hearts and minds of her family and loved ones.

I know that everyone here today can close their eyes and see her there.  I know when I close my eyes I can see her sitting there with a smile on her face telling me to eat more.  And I can feel her all through me.

And because of that, she will be alive forever.

If we can take anything away from this day, it’s the knowledge of how important family and loved ones are.   It’s a knowledge that my Grandmother possessed and lived for.

So I’d just like to say,..

Grammy Gene, Thank you for that knowledge.