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I am a speaker for the Feathered Serpent.

I feel her wings, I feel her flames.

I serve the one who speaks with forked tongue,

The Goddess Serpent of an Ancient Age.

Her wings and love enfold me always,

Her fire uplifts and fills my spine.

I speak the truth as told through ages,

I see beyond, I tell no lies.

They are one, the Goddess/God United

Flying flaming through the sky.

Hold out your hand and she will take it,

She will help you learn to fly.

The Kundalini rises in me,

Cleansing, burning, clean my soul.

I see your future, and it is waiting.

You choose the path, you choose your goals.

You have the choice, Peace or Destruction,

Eternal Love, the Mystery.

My teachings now this incarnation

Are Peace and Love, and Harmony.

I speak the truth, I hear the voices.

The Feathered Serpent calls to me.

You too can hear the Ancient Voices,

They live inside of you and me.

Let her flame burn deep inside you.

Let it give you strength each day.

Let her courage fill your body.

Seek her vision when you pray.

Still your mind and let the silence

Slowly fill your inner soul.

Let it enter, let it calm you,

Let it help to make you whole.

If you are quiet and you listen,

You will hear her ancient song.

Her forked tongue speaks of the mystery,

Of the oneness, of beyond.

--Raven Joy c.1999

Visit the Temple of Wadjet, Lady of Flames

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