to Pele's world



Invocation of Pele, and Pele Meditation

(originally done at a hot spring)




Aloha! Pele!


Come and be with us. Come and be with us as we invoke your power and protection.


    From you we learn of the power of creation and destruction, and how both are necessary for the continuation of life.  You show us how new life is born from new land.


F            From you we learn the power of acceptance of your will. We learn how to accept the changes we             are  given knowing that new opportunities arise out of new circumstances, if only we are aware and ready to take advantage of them.


                From you we learn the power of anger released. We learn the power of our anger unleashed, and                     how it can destroy everything in our path, guilty and innocent alike.  We ask you for the wisdom to use our anger constructively, and to release it, today, into your hot water.


            From you we learn the power of patience.  The power of the sleeping volcano.  The power of                     waiting.  We learn that patience can replace anger.  That patience can prevent anger.  That patience can release anger.


            Help us to release the anger we have stored inside us.  Help us to release it into your hot water                 warmed from the center of the earth.  Help us to ground ourselves in your energy, the molten lava energy of the very center of the Earth.


        Help us to not harm others with our anger, and help us not to harm ourselves with our anger,                         understanding that words are powerful, and never meaningless, and that those we lover, as well as ourselves, are harmed by unnecessary anger unleashed uncontrolled.


                Help us to find the patience and understanding to not rage at small things. Help us to find the wisdom to deal with our righteous anger with compassion, not hatred.


Help us to release our anger harmlessly, as we feel your Earth power flowing through us.






            Take a moment to ground and center.  Feel the golden cord coming from the bottom of your spine.                     Drop two more golden cords from the bottom of each foot, joining the golden cord from the                 bottom  of your spine, forming a tripod. Feel the golden cord reaching deep into the earth until it reaches the hot core of molten magma at the very center of the earth.


            Feel the hot molten lava beneath your feet.  Feel it welling up your grounding cord and into your first                 chakra, feeling it merging with the red energy there, and then rising and clearing the orange and                     yellow, second and third chakras in turn, fill them with the glowing orange and yellow energy glistening in the deeper red of the magma as it rises up your spine.


                Let all the frustrations, anger, and sorrow held in your first red chakra burn free and rise in the                     molten  lava joined at the orange chakra by those experiences and old patterns, burning and rising in                     the surge of lava, the orange and yellow glistening in the deeper red of the magma moving up your spine.


                Now, at the heart chakra, take time to release all the stored anger, stored pain, lost love, regrets,                     pictures of what might have been, and gather them all together, and in one mighty burst of rage, feel all the unfairness and injustice that you feel in your life and in the world.


             Gather that rage, (toning low) gather all the pain and sorrow, send it along powered by the fountain of  rage, let it surge up quickly now, up through the top half of your spine,  (toning higher now) cleansing and burning any impurities as it goes, and let it out, out through your crown chakra,




Scream. (can anyone out there scream?)


            Watching the anger come out of the top of your head with your scream, let it turn into a shower of                     gold and silver stars creating a fountain over your head.  As the gold and silver stars reach your shoulders let them turn into butterflies and fly away from you.


                Feel yourself lighter, cleansed and free of all the anger and blame that has been burning inside you,                     causing sickness and dis-ease, feel it gone, leaving you lighter, healthier, at ease with yourself and the world around you.


                Fill that space with forgiveness for all those who have made you angry, caused you pain, or betrayed                 you.  Now turn that forgiveness inward, and forgive yourself for all you need to forgive yourself for. 


            Fill that space now with love, Fill it with the unconditional love of mother Earth, the trees, any way you have felt unconditional love in the past, and feel that love filling and forgiving yourself.


               Fill that space with acceptance of what has gone before, and let go of all blame, for others or yourself, for all things past.


                Give thanks for the gift of life and light, for today, for being here now. Give thanks for the                 opportunities in your life, today, for change, for new beginnings, for a new life of living in the present,                 free of the shackles of vengeance and despair, not placing or accepting blame, but moving ever forward.                  Flowing with life’s currents, flowing as the river flows to the sea, as the lava flows to the sea, steam, hot water.



            Hot water hear our prayer. Take this, our anger turned to butterflies, as offerings of our love. With respect we temper our flame in the water of your love, and heat our coolness in your fire.


Hot Water!  Take our pain!

Hot Water!  Take our tears!

Hot Water!  Take our suffering!

Hot Water!  Take our fears!


Center of Earth

Center of Power

Center of Gravity

Center of Life


Center of Self

Center of Healing

Center of Will

Center of Fire


Hot Water!  Take our pain!

Hot Water!  Take our tears!

Hot Water!  Take our suffering!

Hot Water!  Take our fears!


(repeat as needed)


Read about the myth of Pele Goddess of Fire

Read about Pele and her sister Poliahu

The legend of Pele's Fury

Another story of Pele

More legends of Pele

A Photo Essay of Pele

Even more legends of Pele

A lovely Pele page

See some beautiful pictures by Herb Kane




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