frog01.gif (308 bytes)Hi and welcome to my site. Have a look around, explore, adopt a frog or two, or even look something up in my dictionary.

So basically all I'm saying is just have fun.......


   or else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

       Go Left                                      Go Right                                                 

My site contains (alphabetical order):

Adopt-a-frog, amazing frog facts (under construction), dictionary, games arcade, Banquet hall (under construction), my bedroom, lynx


please note: I don't claim to have drawn all the pictures. If I 'stole' one of your pictures I will have your site on my lynx  page (if I don't please e-mail me).

If you would like to 'steal' a picture please do the same.


This page was last updated on the 12-Aug-00       


Thanx for visiting my creek! treefrog.gif (25167 bytes)