The path leads you to a thatched hut. You enter to frog croaks. You walk up to the counter and there is a female frog person toying with her pet frog. You ask her, "What is this place for?".

"This is the Adopt-a-frog Centre, it's for adopting frogs," she replies with a chuckle.



Please read this:

First of all when you adopt-a-frog you must not be disappointed- they're not animated but we have our own way of making them special-just leave it to us! If you are a mean person/frog and just copy the eggs nothing will happen, mwahahaha, ha.............

Secondly you must put the eggs on your web site.  When you put it on your website you must say that the pictures are not allowed to be copied for they are my own works. Also when you put the eggs on your site l shall check to see the eggs and when l have l will put a link to your site ( you must have a link to Frog Creek).

Thirdly I totally object to you using my frogs as pictures in your art gallery etc. When you get the frog, you may NOT alter the images in anyway excluding size.

Fourthly follow all the rules above and fill out the 'form' below properly.


Yep! That's your little guy! (or girl).

Right click then copy the egg above and paste them to your site. Look after it and you might get a surprise.

Send the following information to my email. I will then send you back an Adopt-A-Frog certificate.

Nick name:

Email address:

Name of frog:

Date of adoption (date/month/year):


Please note: stupid forms shall be ignored.


THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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