
Colour Picker
for html codes

Have you ever wanted to find just the right colour
and then reproduce it
as a font or background colour in a web-page?    
Here is the answer -
Firstly, a Java applet that gives you the code for any colour and shade.   
And secondly, a script that coverts hex values to decimal values and vice versa and shows the colour as the background of the page.

Java applet is here.
Please use Java enabled browser.

I cannot recall where this came from but it was a free download
so you are welcome to copy and use it.
Its location is


You will also need to download the file


which gives the simple instructions on how use it.






Hex Code is:

The above can be useful for checking text colours against a particular coloured background.
This is how some of the main colours look -
(you can change the background using the above javascript) -
This is how each main colour looks. - 000000
This is how each main colour looks. - 800000
This is how each main colour looks. - 008000
This is how each main colour looks. - 808000
This is how each main colour looks. - 000080
This is how each main colour looks. - 800080
This is how each main colour looks. - 008080
This is how each main colour looks. - C0C0C0
This is how each main colour looks. - C0DCC0
This is how each main colour looks. - A6CAF0
This is how each main colour looks. - FFFBF0
This is how each main colour looks. - A0A0A4
This is how each main colour looks. - 808080
This is how each main colour looks. - FF0000
This is how each main colour looks. - 00FF00
This is how each main colour looks. - FFFF00
This is how each main colour looks. - 0000FF
This is how each main colour looks. - FF00FF
This is how each main colour looks. - 00FFFF
This is how each main colour looks. - FFFFFF

Decimal to Hex Colours

Alternatively, if you don't have Java and you need to convert to Hex codes from decimal,
I have produced the following table which should help -

(Just look at FF to F0 to get an idea of the pattern,
so, for example, DE is one less than DF, i.e. 222

FF - 255    FE - 254    FD - 253    FC - 252    FB - 251    FA - 250    F9 - 249    F8 - 28    F7 - 247    F6 - 246    F5 - 245       F4 - 244    F3 - 243    F2 - 242    F1 - 241    F0 - 240   
EF - 239    E0 - 224    DF - 223    D0 - 208    CF - 207     C0 - 192    BF - 191    B0 - 176    AF - 175    AA - 170    A0 - 160    9F - 159    99 - 153    8F - 143    89 - 137    7F - 127    79 - 121    6F - 111    69 - 105    5F - 95    59 - 89    4F - 79    49 - 73    3F - 63    39 - 57    2F - 47    29 - 41    1F - 31    19 - 25       10 - 16    0F - 15    0E - 14    0D - 13    0C - 12    0B - 11    0A - 10    09 - 9    08 - 8    07 - 7    06 - 6    05 - 5       04 - 4    03 - 3    02 - 2    01 - 1    00 - 0   

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