If you don't want to have to go to the pet
store once a week for crickets, you can breed
you own! It's easy. Here's how:
What you'll need:
Step 1. In the larger container you should put in
plenty of hiding places. Sometimes the crickets
will fight and/or eat each other if they
can not hide.
Step 2. In the smaller container you should fill
the bottom with moist soil. This is where
the females lay their eggs. The soil must
always be moist! You can use the spray bottle
for that, I would spray once a day. Add in
a hiding place or two.
Step 3. Add about 6-10 of the larger crickets to
the smaller cage with the moist soil. Give
them finely diced vegetables to eat, and
some lettuce or an orange slice for moisture.
They will drown in a water bowl.
Step 4. Add remaining crickets to larger container.
Also give them veggies and lettuce. This
will be the main cricket tank.
Step 5. Be sure each container has air holes!
If you only have one large tank you can put
a small amount of soil in the corner of it
for breeding. Make sure to keep it moist.
The crickets will surely make a mess of it....dragging
it all around the cage and into food. That's
why I separate them.
If you don't like the sound of chirping crickets......I
suggest not breeding your own. When they
reach breeding age they will chirp all day
and all night!
Also, they can be a bit smelly. Keep them
in an area where you don't have to smell