Tank specifications | ||
Tank size | 36" x 16" x 18" | |
Substrate | 2-3mm gravel over 5mm gravel Brustmann Terra-Bona granulat mixed in at time of 1st set up |
Fertiliser | 3 drops of Brustmann Ferrogan fluid every day | |
CO2 | 5kg(?) no-brand tank with manual needle valve 1 bubble/sec during day; 1 bubble/6 sec at night |
Lighting | 1 x 20w(?) 3ft actinic(?) 7am-7pm 2 x 18w flouros 7:30am-6:30pm |
Filtration | Ehiem professional 2222 | |
Salt | 5ml per 2 gallons (8 litres) | |
Water Change | 10% every week | |
Temperature | around 28 - 30 C (no active cooling) | |
Date Started | 2 April 1999 | |
Date Photographed | 15 July 1999 | |
Plants | Glossostigma elatinoides, Hygrophila polysperma, Hygrophila difformis, Micranthemum micranthemoides, Vallisnera tortifolia, Anubias nana, Echinodorus major, Lilaeopsis novae-zelandiae(?), Egeria densa, Rotala rotundiflora(?) | |
Fish & Shrimp | ~8 Guppies, 2 Orange CAE, 8 Zebra Danios, 6 Paracheirodon axelrodi (Cardinal tetra), 10 Paracheirodon innesi (Neon tetra), 3 Ottocinclus affinis, ~20 Yamato-numa ebi |