Britt has been my best friend for 13 years now. I met Britt my first day at college in September 1994. She was living on the same floor as me. We became great friends over many bowls of Captain Crunch. Britt is quite the movie buff and has probably seen every movie ever made. She is my kindred spirit in life and I don't know what I would do without her!
Britt works and lives in Hillsboro, Oregon now with her husband Kevin and their children: son Nicky and daughter Kirsten. She will graduate in April 2007 with her master's degree in teaching from George Fox University. I'm so proud of you Britt!!
Britt and me at my wedding July 2005
Dalia Lopez
Dalia and I met in London in September of 1995. We were paired up to share a room since we were both traveling alone. We've been writing and visiting each other ever since! Dalia lives in San Antonio, Texas, where she is an elementary school teacher. Dalia is truly a beautiful person both inside and out. I always look forward to talking and visiting with her.
Dalia and Me
Bill Lundquist
I met LQ when I started working at The Pilot newspaper in January 2000. Bill is like a brother to me. 2000 was a tough year, but Bill encouraged me through professional troubles and personal issues. When I wasn't sure of anything, Bill helped me to remember what my strengths were. He made me laugh and helped me to realize that when the chips are down, it can always get worse;) When I made the decision to leave the paper and go to law school, Bill encouraged me through that process as well and has remained one of my strongest supporters and best friends. Thanks for everything Bill, you have no idea how much your friendship means to me and how blessed I am to have you in my life.
Bill and me August 2003
Susan Schell
I cannot describe what a wonderful friend Susan was and still is. I worked with her at The Pilot newspaper where we supported each other through a lot of professional and personal issues. I still keep in touch her and she's been incredibly supportive of me and my goals in life.
Picture of Susan and Me Coming Soon!
Amber Baker
Many of my best childhood memories include Amber. She and I met when I moved to Oregon in the fourth grade. We had many adventures in the woods behind my house with my dog, Chester. We rode bikes on her street, had sleepovers, and made memories that have lasted us a lifetime. We recently reconnected. We met when we were 10 and now, at age 30, we're sharing our lives again over e-mail. Thanks for everything Amber! You are and will always be a special part of my life.
Heidi and I were friends in middle school. We spent a lot of time hanging out in Brookings, Oregon and trying to navigate the pre-teen years of our lives. We recently got back in touch over e-mail. Heidi is currently living in Ashland, Oregon where she is attending college and raising two adorable kids.
Gary has been a very dependable (and cool) net pal for at least 10 years now. He hails from New Zealand, but has most recently been hanging out in New Jersey at Rutgers where he recently finished his Ph.D. His goal now is to torture students and he will be doing that in Ellensburg, Washington at Central Washington University. In his spare time, he travels the world. He made a stop in Houston in July 2005 for my wedding.
Gary and Me at my wedding