Quantum Gooseberry Textiles |
These picture's are machine embroidered using just the zigzag stitch and straight stitch. I altered the tension to have some of the colour coming through from underneath as a way of mixing the colours. The design was taken from a Van Gogh painting which I've forgotten the name of... something to do with stars or some thing...I like stars...especially chocolate ones, uuuummm (sorry I had to get that in somewhere) |
This is a project about flowers, it came after a visit to Ness Gardens, above is the preparation for the prints made, I used different shape flowers and came up with a repeating pattern. The pattern was arranged in different ways, as in bricks in a wall and in straight rows, I used 4 blocks out of the pattern, rotated to cut a profilm sheet which was ironed onto a frame covered in fine mesh. The resulting frame was used for screen-printing, the first print sample is above, and below there are some of the printed lengths I used the frame to make. |
This picture is from a project about Antoni Goudi, I took the design from a window in a building that he designed. I used Batik on paper, and painted the dyes on to it, when I ripped the paper it made put a white border to each of the individual shapes which was quite attractive. I arranged the shapes to come up with the finished outcome. |
These are from a project, "relationships between design and image" where I used African art by Georges Lilanga. I used images from a variety of his pictures to come up with my final designs. I used machine embroidery and appliqué for one of the pictures. I used batik on the other which was then covered in salt dough left to dry and cracked, it was re dyed over the dough so that it only went down the cracks, it was left to dry once more and the dough was washed off. |