Birds of East Tilbury
Related Sites

Essex and its neighbours have many lively natural history organisations.

When to Visit

How to find East Tilbury

What's About?

A Walk on the Sea Wall

Tilbury Check List

Other Sites in the Area

Stanford Warren & Mucking

Essex Birdwatching Society

The Essex Birdwatching Society has a new look and much more information on its relaunched site. The society is the main source for birding information in the county. It organises field and indoor meetings and publishes the award-winning
Essex Bird Report. Its recorders maintain the county list.

Essex Wildlife Trust

Essex Wildlife Trust, which maintains sites of scientific interest or environmental sensitivity in the county, including
Stanford Warren
and Hanningfield.

More Links

The Wakering Natural History Society
's site is well worth a visit.

The East London Birders' Forum was set up in August 1997 as a forum for local birders to network more easily and to accumulate data on the local avifauna and most importantly to promote the importance of local patch birding.

Royal Society for the
Protection of Birds

Has two sites in Essex, including Old Hall Marshes and Copperas Bay on the River Stour.
The South East Essex RSPB Local Group
has a web-site with local information, news,  activities, and links to many other useful sites.

The Woodland Trust

The Woodland Trust has acquired
several key sites in the county

Kent Ornithological Society

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