Birds of East Tilbury

What's About - Mid-summer

With the breeding season well advanced, only small numbers of waders are present. Stonechats have bred, and Oystercatchers, Redshank and Lapwing probably breeding. A Grasshopper Warbler was present for more than a week in April.

July 15: An immature Spoonbill flew over the Thames towards Cliffe mid-morning. A Marsh Harrier flew from Kent into Mucking Bay. A Greenshank was heard and Avocets and Black-tailed Godwits present. At least two Little Egrets and a Yellow Wagtail.

July 1: Adult Mediterranean Gull, at least three Little Egrets, passage of Sand Martins, Stonechat, three Curlew, Oystercatcher, Redshank, Common Tern the high spots.

June 10: Two adult Mediterranean Gulls; four Little Egrets; Sparrowhawk; two Kestrels; singing Stonechat; many Skylarks; Garden Warbler and Blackcap still singing; a Hobby by the railway crossing gates.

April 8: 30+ Avocets, 350 Black-tailed Godwits; smaller numbers of Grey Plover and Dunlin; up to four Kestrels; a Blackcap in song in the thicket by the church; three pairs of Stonechats; three Little Egrets.

April 10: At Hanningfield Reservoir, one Red Kite over south at 12 noon, a distant Common Buzzard, six Red-crested Pochards; four Goldeneye; Kingfisher; four Sparrowhawks and two Willow Warblers.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The Essex Birdwatching Society
has much interesting information at its web site. The society is the main source for birding information in the county. It organises field and indoor meetings and publishes the award-winning Essex Bird Report. Its recorders maintain the county list.

When to Visit
How to find East Tilbury

A Walk on the Sea Wall

Tilbury Check List
Stanford Warren & Mucking

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David Jobbins
