The Wonderful Secrets of Life
                                            (pay attention kiddies)


1.) You cannot make someone love you.
                  *All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in.*

2.) No matter how much you care, some people are just assholes.
              *Permission to beat the shit out of them automatically granted upon determination of assholishness*

3.) It takes years to build up trust.
              *...........and only suspicion,  not proof, to destroy it.*

4.) You can get by on charm for about fifteen minutes. After that, you'd better have a big dick or huge tits.
              *Yes, implants do count. And yes other people can tell*

5.) You shouldn't compare yourself to others.
              *They are more fudged up than you think.*

6.) You can keep puking long after you think you're finished.

7.) We are responsible for what we do.
                 *Unless we are celebrities.*

8.) Regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades
                *And there had better be a lot of money to take it's place.*

9.) Sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you're down will be the ones who do.

10.) The people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon and all the less important ones just never go away.
                *JDT - 3/17/82 - 2/13/99*

11.) No matter which lane you get in while driving, it will always be slower than the one you were in before.

12.) It is easy for people to speculate on things that don't involve them.
                *And they will do so at any given chance.*

13.) Only when you can read someone's thoughts and feelings can you rightfully judge them.

14.) It is not be right to judge a book by it's cover.
              *But in the end you still have to touch the cover to read the book.*

15.) You can be a king or a street sweeper but everybody dances with the grim reaper.

16.) Only correct the faults of inadvertence, not those of habit.

17.) All passions that allow themselves to be savored and digested are only mediocre.

18.) No one should do anything that preys on anther's ignorance.

19.) Anyone who does not feel sufficiently strong in memory should not meddle with lying.

20.) It is better to remain silent and appear dumb than to speak and remove the doubt.

21.) It is better to offend someone once than yourself everyday; that would be perpetual slavery.

22.) Death holds less pain than does the wait for death.

23.) Being rich is not an alleviation, but a change, of troubles.

24.) Man can never plan fully to avoid what any hour may bring.

25.) The advantage of living is not measured by length but by use.

26.) Our own trust generally wins the trust of others.

27.) It is a waste to aquire wisdom but not profit by it.

28.) Love can only go unrequited so long.....and then it's just obsession.
