LAND COVER LAND USE CHANGES Indonesian case study |
Study Area: |
CITARUM WATERSHED Lower Citarum watershed in Karawang area. |
EAST KALIMANTAN Lower Mahakam watershed. |
JAMBI Lower Batanghari watershed. |
Data Availability: |
Data used for this project was delivered by Michigan State University which consist of 3 study areas, Citarum watershed, 8 data annual series available from 1989 to 1998, part of Lower Batanghari watershed, 3 data available, 1989, 1992, 1998, and Lower Mahakam watershed area, 3 data available, 1991, 1992, 1997. | ||
Quicklook... |
Data Availability: |
The GIS layers were collected based on the activities that have been carried out in Indonesia. The data available for this project were: elevation, land use, land system, geological, roads, rivers, cities, administration boundaries layer. | ||
Quicklook... |
Data Availability: |
Field survey was done is 2 study areas which were carried out in Citarum watershed in 1997 and Lower Mahakam watershed in 1999. The purposes of field survey basically to identify and to explore more detail on human activities that may influence to the land cover and land use activities within the study areas. The field work basically done by collecting photograph on human activities and land cover condition and oral observation to human activities. | ||
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Data Availability: |
Data were collected from district administration (called Kecamatan Dalam Angka), which consist of Indonesian administration Census activities. The available data that have been collected are population, education, health, agriculture, religion, transmigration, disaster, and family planning condition from 1989 to 1997. |
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LCLUC Indonesia © 2001 |