Dump the Dump - http://www.dumpthedump.com/ This site is dedicated to providing opponents of the proposed Holly Springs, NC, landfill with accurate and useful information. One might ask why the county has chosen this facility, which borders both new homes and an existing community that is primarily African-American. Environmental Literacy Council - http://www.enviroliteracy.org/landfills.html Community refuse disposal areas are nearly as old as public waste management itself. The first municipal waste site in Western Civilization is believed to have been established around 500 BC in Athens, Greece. The Council of Athens issued an edict prohibiting the dumping of garbage within one mile of the city wall. EPA - Municipal Solid Waste Landfills - http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/non-hw/muncpl/landfill.htm Across the country, many communities, businesses, and individuals have found creative ways to reduce and better manage MSW through a coordinated mix of practices that includes source reduction, recycling (including composting), and disposal. The most environmentally sound management of MSW is achieved when these approaches are implemented according to EPA's preferred order: source reduction first, recycling and composting second, and disposal in landfills or waste combustors last. This Web site contains a wealth of information on MSW. Landfills and Water Quality Management Home Page - http://members.aol.com/gfredlee/gfl.htm Dr. G. Fred Lee and Dr. Anne Jones-Lee have prepared professional papers and reports on the various areas in which they are active in research and consulting including domestic water supply water quality, water and wastewater treatment, water pollution control, and the evaluation and management of the impacts of solid and hazardous wastes. Landfills - http://www.lalc.k12.ca.us/uclasp/issues/landfills/landfills.html Are landfills an appropriate use of the Land? What impact do landfills have on our use of the land and on our lives? Is our use of the land as landfills sustainable? Over what period of time will a landfill revert "back to nature" if ever? Do we permanently (within the time frame of human existence) change the land when we use it as a landfill? CDC Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program - http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/programs/lead/about/about.htm Childhood lead poisoning remains a major preventable environmental health problem in the United States. About a million children younger than 6 years of age in the United States have blood lead levels of at least 10 micrograms per deciliter (ug/dL), a level high enough to adversely affect their intelligence, behavior and development. Minority and poor children are disproportionately affected. Washington State Department of Health - Public Health Fact Sheet - http://www.doh.wa.gov/topics/lead.htm Lead is toxic and has no known function in the human body. Young children are most susceptible to the toxic effects of lead. Long-term exposure to even low levels of lead can cause irreversible learning difficulties, mental retardation, and delayed neurological and physical development. In adults, exposure to lead affects primarily the peripheral nervous system and can cause impairment of hearing, vision, and muscle coordination. Lead also damages the blood, kidneys, heart and reproductive system. Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning - http://www.aeclp.org/ The Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning is a national, non-profit public interest organization dedicated exclusively to preventing childhood lead poisoning. The Texas A&M University System - Lead Poisoning - http://fcs.tamu.edu/health/Lead.htm The health program is designed to assist Texans to improve their health status by increasing the adoption of risk reducing and health protective behaviors. EPA - Common Indoor Air Pollutants - Lead - http://www.epa.gov/iaq/lead.html There are many ways in which humans are exposed to lead: through air, drinking water, food, contaminated soil, deteriorating paint, and dust. Airborne lead enters the body when an individual breathes or swallows lead particles or dust once it has settled. Before it was known how harmful lead could be, it was used in paint, gasoline, water pipes, and many other products. Native Americans and the Environment - http://conbio.rice.edu/nae/index.html Welcome to our web site! This is a non-profit project: 1) to promote education and research on environmental problems facing Native American communities; 2) to explore the values and historical experiences that Native Americans bring to bear on environmental issues; and 3) to promote conservation measures that respect Native American land and resource rights. Reason Magazine - http://reason.com/9702/fe.anderson.html DANCES WITH MYTHS - Half-truths about American Indians' environmental ethic obscure the rational ways in which they have lived with and shaped the natural world. By Terry L. Anderson. Native American Indian Resources - http://indy4.fdl.cc.mn.us/~isk/mainmenu.html#mainmenutop There are over 300 web pages here. Main Menu leads to menus of independent topical sections. EPA American Indian Environmental Office - http://www.epa.gov/indian/links.htm Links to Native American Environmental web sites. Native American Lore Index Page - http://www.ilhawaii.net/~stony/loreindx.html O'siyo friends, welcome to my lodge, here you will read lore, legends, teachings, quotes and links to other Native American Indian sites. Allow me first to say that I am neither a Tribal Elder nor a Teacher, just a seeker who shares with others on the wonderful web. Each month I post a new piece of Native lore with new art by a featured artist. I hope from this web site that you will learn something of our Native Hearts and our beliefs. The Natural Step - http://www.naturalstep.org/ The Natural Step (TNS) is a non-profit environmental education organization working to build an ecologically and economically sustainable society. TNS offers a framework that is based on science and serves as a compass for businesses, communities, academia, government entities and individuals working to redesign their activities to become more sustainable. Holocene Design Co. - http://www.holocene.net/tnsarticle.htm As a society, we must discover how to meet present human needs and improve quality of life without diminishing the Earth's capacity to provide for the needs of future generations. The Swedish Natural Step: A Model For Sustainable Transformation - http://learning.mit.edu/res/kr/rtf_learning.html This is the story of the early stages of the Swedish Natural Step, the environmental organization whose work provides a compass we can use to orient ourselves toward a more environmentally sustainable society. The focus of this story is on how people worked together to achieve what they achieved. The Natural Step - Australia - http://www.ozemail.com.au/~natstep/index.html (Excellent reference site) Fifteen years ago "greenies" chained themselves to trees in the name of environmental solutions. We saw this as idealistic. In 2005, if you are not enforcing good environmental solutions within your business, large or small, you will no longer be sustainable. This is realistic. The Natural Step is a very simple sustainability model for creative solutions which can take you to 2005 and beyond. The Natural Step operates internationally and is used by leading corporations, private businesses, and local government municipalities. Center for Excellence of Sustainable Development: Sustainable Business - http://www.sustainable.doe.gov/business/natural.htm It is increasingly evident that business and industry's current patterns of consumption and production are not sustainable. The enormous economic and population growth worldwide over the last four decades have together driven the impacts that threaten the health and well-being of our communities and nations -- ozone depletion, climate change, depletion and fouling of natural resources, and extensive loss of biodiversity and habitat. Frontline: Nuclear Reaction - http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/reaction/ A report on why the United States seems ready to abandon nuclear power. The Virtual Nuclear Tourist - Nuclear Power Plants Around the World - http://www.cannon.net/~gonyeau/nuclear/index.htm Why Nuclear Power? - How are the plants designed / operated / maintained? - What's it like in a nuclear power plant? - What are good information sources (links)? - Global Search International Nuclear Safety Center - http://www.insc.anl.gov/ The International Nuclear Safety Center (INSC), which operates under the guidance of the Director of International Nuclear Safety and Cooperation (NN-30) in the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), has the mission of improving nuclear power reactor safety worldwide. The INSC is dedicated to the goals of developing enhanced nuclear safety technology and promoting the open exchange of nuclear safety information among nations. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission - http://www.nrc.gov/ The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is an independent agency established by the U.S. Congress under the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 to ensure adequate protection of the public health and safety, the common defense and security, and the environment in the use of nuclear materials in the United States. New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution - http://www.necnp.org/oppose.htm The problems of nuclear power have not been resolved. Hard questions concerning reactor designs, waste disposal, transportation of radioactive materials, health effects of exposure to low levels of radiation, reactor decommissioning, and the proliferation of nuclear weapons have not received the careful attention they deserve. United States government regulation has been entirely inadequate. The Nuclear Files - Experiencing ethical and political challenges of the Nuclear Age - http://www.nuclearfiles.org/ This site provides comprehensive historical as well as current information on ethical and policy problems related to nuclear weapons, nuclear energy and waste. The site can be accessed chronologically or by focusing on an issue area. It archives important documents and treaties, provides biographical information, and invites teachers, students, as well as the general public to tap into many valuable resources. Nuke-Engery.com - http://www.nuke-energy.com/index.html How safe is nuclear power and the infrastructure that supports it? What are the environmental impacts? How dangerous is plutonium? What are the dangers of nuclear weapons proliferation? And what are the benefits industrial societies derive from nuclear technology? This free informational Web site, maintained by Washington Nuclear Corporation (WNC), attempts to provide background for those questions and issues. Nuclear Weapons FAQ - http://www.enviroweb.org/issues/nuketesting/hew/Nwfaq/Nfaq0.html Nuclear weapons are the most destructive technology ever developed. From the day fission was discovered in 1938, the problem of controlling this technology has been of central importance to the human race. Nuclear Control Institute, Washington, D.C. - http://www.nci.org/home.htm Founded in 1981, the Nuclear Control Institute (NCI) is an independent research and advocacy center specializing in problems of nuclear proliferation. Non-partisan and non-profit, we monitor nuclear activities worldwide and pursue strategies to halt the spread and reverse the growth of nuclear arms. Nuclear Weapons Database - http://www.cdi.org/issues/nukef&f/database/ Founded in 1972 as an independent monitor of the military, the Center for Defense Information is a private, nongovernmental, research organization. Its directors and staff believe that strong social, economic, political, and military components and a healthy environment contribute equally to the nation's security. CDI seeks realistic and cost effective military spending without excess expenditures for weapons and policies that increase the danger of war. CDI supports adequate defense by evaluating our defense needs and how best to meet them without wasteful spending or compromising our national security. Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Restoration Web Site - http://www.oilspill.state.ak.us/ This site, by the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council, provides information about the impacts of the oil spill, the injury and recovery of fish, wildlife, and people of the spill region, and information about ongoing restoration and research activitites. Alaska Resources Library and Information Services (ARLIS) - http://www.arlis.org/Resources/resources.asp Numerous oil spill related links. Bioremediation of an Oil Spill - http://www.environmental-expert.com/articles/article6/article6.htm Bioremediation is the method of choice to effectively clean up a small spill of hydrocarbons. By Judith Rose Burke, President of Waterose Environmental, British Columbia, Canada. EPA Oil Program Home Page - http://www.epa.gov/oilspill/index.htm Welcome to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Oil Spill Program. This website provides information about the U.S. EPA's program for preventing, preparing for, and responding to oil spills that occur in and around inland waters of the United States. Oil Spill Web - The International Oil Spill Resource and Information Center - http://www.oil-spill-web.com/default1.asp The oil spill web is the oil spill community's open forum. You are invited to ask questions, or to express your opinions, ideas, suggestions, concerns, criticism, etc. This is a commercial site. Campaign for Food Safety - http://www.purefood.org/ The Campaign for Food Safetyis a public interest organization dedicated to building a healthy, safe, and sustainable system of food production and consumption. We are a global clearinghouse for information and grassroots technical assistance. Organic.food.co.uk - http://www.organicfood.co.uk/index.html Organic News Archive - Your source of historical organic articles from around the world. Organic Alliance Website - http://www.organic.org/ Organic refers to an "earth friendly" method of farming and processing foods. Weeds and pests are controlled using environmentally sound practices which sustain the health of our planet, and ultimately, our own health. OrganicInfo.com - http://www.organicinfo.com/about.html OrganicInfo.com exists to show that there is a choice in the food you eat: organic vs. non-organic. This web site will show you some of the best places to find information about organic food. We seek to debunk incorrect notions about organic food and replace them with facts. We accept all points of view, and we will publish intelligent comments in the pertinent area of this site, regardless of their position on organic food. Organic Farming - http://www.doitnow.com/~smd/agorg.htm This is a page of Organic Gardening techniques, topics and selected links to other Organic Farming information. Organic farming is vital to our Health and Prosperity. Ozone Depletion FAQ - http://vest.gu.se:70/0/ozone/intro This is the first of four FAQ files dealing with stratospheric ozone depletion. This part deals with basic scientific questions about the ozone layer, and serves as an introduction to the the remaining parts which are more specialized. Beyond Discovery, The Ozone Depletion Phenomenon - http://www4.nationalacademies.org/beyond/beyonddiscovery.nsf/web/ozone?OpenDocument Like an infection that grows more and more virulent, the continent-size hole in Earth's ozone layer keeps getting bigger and bigger. NASA's Ozone Studies - http://pao.gsfc.nasa.gov/gsfc/service/gallery/fact_sheets/earthsci/ozonestu.htm Access this NASA tutorial to find resources on Ozone depletion, FAQs, discussions on the controversy around this issue, and important term. Ozone Action - http://www.ozone.org/ Washington, DC based non-profit public interest organization focused exclusively on two atmospheric threats: global warming and stratospheric ozone depletion. Ozone Depletion - Background Information and Useful Links - http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/SEAGRANT/global/gcenozon.html What exactly are greenhouse gases? How large is the human population right now? What is ozone and why should I care about it? To learn more about these subjects, or find answers to any other questions you have about sea level rise, global warming, biodiversity, ozone depletion, or other climate and global change topics, check out our links! Copyright © Carla Moore, 1999 - 2003 All Rights Reserved carlamo@wildmail.com |