EPA Pesticides and Food -

What you and your family need to know.

EPA Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances -

Our Mission is to: To protect and improve human health and the environment, to achieve risk reduction, sustainability, environmental justice, and enhance the quality of life, to promote safer designs, wiser use of materials, products, processes, practices and technologies; and disposal methods using pollution prevention as the principle of first choice, to provide information, education and technical assistance to empower the public to make informed decisions on the risks associated with pesticides and toxic substances.

Pesticide Information Profiles (PIPs) -

Pesticide Information Profiles (PIPs) are documents which provide specific pesticide information relating to health and environmental effects. Pips are not based on an exhaustive literature search. The information does not in any way replace or supersede the information on the pesticide product labeling or other regulatory requirements. Additional information at home page:

Beyond Pesticides - The National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides -

NCAMP provides the public with useful information on pesticides and alternatives to their use. With this information, people can and do protect themselves and the environment from the potential adverse public health and environmental effects associated with the use and misuse of pesticides.

University of Nebraska - Pesticide Education Resources -

The Pesticide Education Office provides educational and training programs that address health, the environment and pesticide safety.

ARS Pesticide Properties Database -

PESTICIDES are being found in our water supplies. The frequency and levels of detections are extremely low, but sound water quality management requires us to direct research towards minimizing future contamination. The ARS Pesticide Properties Database (PPD) has been developed to provide water quality modelers and managers a list of the pesticide properties most important for predicting the potentials of pesticides to move into ground and surface waters under a range of weather and soil conditions.

Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA) -

Welcome to the Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA) site. You can explore our extensive resources, find out about our organization and work, and join us in the fight to reduce the use of hazardous pesticides.



Encarta Online Concise -

Carbon Cycle (ecology), cycle of carbon usage by which energy flows through the earth's ecosystem.

Photosynthesis Center at Arizona State University -

Although seemingly simple in concept, the photosynthesis process is very complicated. Follow these links to articles that discuss photosynthesis at varying degrees of complexity.

MIT Biology Textbook -

Life theoretically originated on Earth 3.5 to 4 billion years ago. The atmosphere was thin: composed of methane, carbon dioxide, and water vapor. Any gaseous oxygen had been used up in the combustion (or oxidation) of materials when the Earth was very hot.

Maricopa Community College - Photosynthesis Textbook -

Human activity has greatly increased the concentration of carbon dioxide in air. This increase has led to global warming, an increase in temperatures around the world, the Greenhouse Effect.

Global Carbon Cycle -

The global carbon cycle is out of balance, making rapid global climate change more likely. Atmospheric CO2 levels are rising rapidly -- currently, they are 25 percent above where they stood before the industrial revolution -- and Earth's atmosphere now contains some 200 gigatons (GT) more carbon than it did two centuries ago.



Zero Population Growth -

On October 12, the earth's population reached six billion. We all know that the number of people on earth is not the real story. The real story is improving the quality of life of every one of the six billion.

Population Research Institute -

Founded in 1989, Population Research Institute is a non-profit research and educational organization dedicated to objectively presenting the truth about population-related issues.

The Population Council -

The Council was established in 1952 by John D. Rockefeller 3rd, to search for a better understanding of problems relating to population. A humanitarian, Mr. Rockefeller was deeply affected by trips to densely populated regions of South and East Asia in 1950, where millions of people were living at subsistence level and the population was growing rapidly.

World POPClock - U.S. Census Bureau -

World POPClock gives an up to the second simulation of the current world population.

World Overpopulation Awareness -

The purpose of this group is to make world overpopulation a household word. Let us find ways to make everyone aware of the seriousness of this problem and what are the choices. The people of the world are the ones that have to do something about it.



Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, KS -

The only unit of the National Park System dedicated to the rich natural and cultural history of the tallgrass prairie ecosystem, the preserve was created in 1996. This portion of the once vast tallgrass prairie is being preserved as a critical resource for the benefit of and enjoyment of present and future generations.

Tallgrass Prairie Preserve, OK -

In 1989, The Nature Conservancy purchased the 30,000-acre Barnard Ranch north of Pawhuska, Oklahoma as the cornerstone of the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve which now spans over 37,000 acres. The Conservancy's goal is to recreate a functioning tallgrass prairie ecosystem using fire and bison.

The Tallgrass Prairie in Illinois -

"The Prairie State" is a frequently used nickname for Illinois, yet few people know what a prairie is or have ever visited one. At the same time, there is a growing awareness of prairies. Prairies are an important part of this state's heritage, and in the past few years there have been numerous conferences, radio programs, popular articles, books and scientific papers on prairies. Unfortunately, most of this information is not readily available. This article provides an introduction to the fascinating world of prairies.

Tuttle Creek Lake Prairie -

The lake area is located in a portion of the only remaining extensive humid tallgrass prairie. The climax cover is a mixture of tall and midgrasses characteristic of the true prairie. Examples of predominant plants are the bluestems, switchgrass, indiangrass, gramas, goldenrods, sunflowers, and native legumes.



Rainforest Preservation Foundation

Rainforest Preservation Foundation, a non-profit organization, dedicated to the future and the welfare of one of earth's most vital resources. This company's roots go back to 1965 when a man named Don Davis first went to Brazil, and worked there as a missionary for fourteen and one half years.

The Rainforest Alliance -

The Rainforest Alliance is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to the conservation of tropical forests for the benefit of the global community. Our mission is to develop and promote economically viable and socially desirable alternatives to the destruction of this endangered, biologically diverse natural resource. We pursue this mission through education, research in the social and natural sciences, and the establishment of cooperative partnerships with businesses, governments, and local peoples.

PBS - Science in the Rainforest -

Tropical Rainforests are home to 50-90% of all the world's species of plants and animals. Rainforests provide us with oxygen, help maintain our climate and give us essential foods and medicines. Rainforests have intense tropical sunlight, high temperatures and virtually constant rainfall. This environment has enabled organisms to develop specialized adaptations to the environment and to each other. Over time, this specialization has promoted extraordinary biodiversity in the rainforest

Rainforest Information Centre -

Rainforests are the womb of life, home to over half the Earth's species. We are a volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to protecting them.

Rainforests - Diversity and Destruction -

By Dave Kristula - The purpose of this paper is introduce the reader to the truths about the rainforests and its destruction. The rainforests are disappearing acres per minute, a number that grows so quickly it would be impossible to cite here because it would grow outdated within a week. The rainforests are home to over half of the entire species of the world, which are being destroyed with the rainforests.



EPA - Welcome to Recycle City! -

SEE ... how the people of Dumptown turned their town around! FIND ... out how Recycle City reduces waste and saves money! LEARN ... more about recycling than you ever dared! GET A CLUE ... where all that garbage goes!

Internet Guide to Recycling -

Very interesting sites here! These pages link to information all over the net and are very interesting to browse through. These links give basic information on recycling and give hints on searching the net for more information. Is recycling difficult? How do programs get started? Read some success stories through these links and find out.

The Internet Consumer Recycling Guide -

This recycling guide provides a starting point for consumers in the USA and Canada searching the net for recycling information. The information is for regular folks with regular household quantities of materials to recycle.

Solocom's - The 3 R's -

Recycling is just one way to reduce wastes. To be really effective, we have to incorporate the 4Rs Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover into our daily routine.

EPA/OSW - Reduce, Reuse & Recycle Waste -

Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)-more commonly known as trash or garbage-consists of everyday items such as product packaging, grass clippings, furniture, clothing, bottles, food scraps, newspapers, appliances, paint, and batteries. This is commonly generated from peoples' homes, but it also comes from commercial, institutional, and industrial sources. A growing number of communities have adopted source reduction, reuse, and recycling programs.



Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life

The Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life (COEJL) is a six-year project founded in 1993 to promote environmental education, scholarship, advocacy, and action in the American Jewish community

Ecotheology -

A journal of theology focusing on key ecological concerns, established in 1992 under the original title of
Theology in Green, this journal was relaunched in 1996 under its present title.

Earth Sangha -

The Earth Sangha is a nonsectarian, nonprofit Buddhist environmental organization. We began operations in 1998. Our mission is to encourage the practice of Buddhism as an answer to the global environmental crisis, and to do practical conservation work of a kind that expresses the Buddhist ideal of compassion for all beings. We are open to people of all backgrounds--Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike.

Byronic World View: Verging On A New Paradigm Shift Towards the New Millennium -

"Ultimately, deep ecological awareness is spiritual or religious awareness. When the concept of the human spirit is understood as the mode of consciousness in which the individual feels a sense of belonging, of connectedness, to the cosmos as a whole, it becomes clear that ecological awareness is spiritual in its deepest essence. It is, therefore, not surprising that the emerging new vision of reality based on deep ecological awareness is consistent with the so-called perennial philosophy of spiritual traditions, whether we talk about the spirituality of Christian mystics, that of Buddhists, or the philosophy and cosmology underlying the Native American traditions." --Fritjof Capra

Feng Shui Ultimate Resource -

Feng Shui questions? We have answers - minus the New Age psychobabble. The term "feng shui" is literally translated as "wind and water." Feng Shui--sometimes called Chinese "geomancy"-- first developed as the art and science of orienting dwellings, buildings and cities.

Web of Creation -

A site designed for people and communities to explore eco-justice issues and advocacy from a faith-based perspective.

The Hindu Online -

Online edition of India's National Newspaper on

Amaterra - Love the Earth -

Some have described Amaterra as a "spiritual approach to ecology;" others characterize us as amateur naturalists involved in the study and protection of the environment. We encourage both of these views in the belief that balancing the intellect and the spirit is an important goal.

China's Holy Mountains - People and the Planet -

For centuries, China's holy mountains were protected by Taoist and Buddhist monastries and the respect of the pilgrims who visited them. Now, in the face of growing tourist and business pressures, a new effort is being made to save them from destruction.

Crosscurrents -

Articles referenced for their ecological content: MOUNTAINS MADE ALIVE: NATIVE AMERICAN RELATIONSHIPS WITH SACRED LAND By Emily Cousins - Non-Native Americans need not run their own sweat lodges or play at "being Indian." They should cultivate instead the strains within their own traditions that foster a sense of the sacred earth. TREES, FORESTRY, AND THE RESPONSIVENESS OF CREATION by Brian J. Walsh, Marianne B. Karsh, and Nik Ansell - Rationalism supposes that nature is an It. The authors -- using the tree as an icon -- see all creation as a Thou awaiting subject-to-subject relatedness with humankind. GREEN LAP, BROWN EMBRACE, BLUE BODY: THE ECOSPIRITUALITY OF ALICE WALKER - Pamela Smith discusses Alice Walker's womanist goddess of many colors. THE ECOTHEOLOGY OF ANNIE DILLARD: A STUDY IN AMBIVALENCE - By Pamela A. Smith - Though she attends closely to the complex web of life and the uniqueness of its every part, Annie Dillard defies placement in any camp of environmental ethicists. CHRISTIANITY AND THE SURVIVAL OF CREATION By Wendell Berry - Wendell Berry is a well-known poet, essayist, and farmer. This essay is taken from, Sex, Economy, Freedom, and Community (Pantheon Books). EARTH VIGIL: DARWIN, DEATH, AND HOPE by John Raines - John Raines is chair of the religion department at Temple Univ. and he writes very powerfully of the depths of our environmental crisis, finding hope within the Christian tradition to address it. THE GAIA HYPOTHESIS: IMPLICATIONS FOR A CHRISTIAN POLITICAL THEOLOGY OF THE ENVIRONMENT by Stephen B. Scharper - The Gaia theory offers an inspiring vision of planetary interrelatedness. But it may also diminish the humanby neglecting our ability to build the world -- or destroy it. So argues Stephen Sharper of McGill University. He is also co-author with his wife, Hilary Cunningham, of The Green Bible.



ISES - International Solar Energy Society -

The Society has been active in advancing the cause of renewable energy since 1954. A scientific society, ISES nonetheless attracts members from all walks of life - and from all over the world.

An Introduction to Solar Energy -

In today's climate of growing energy needs and increasing environmental concern, alternatives to the use of non-renewable and polluting fossil fuels have to be investigated. One such alternative is solar energy.

Solar Energy International -

SEI's Renewable Energy Education Program teaches the practical use of solar, wind and water power. Our workshops give individuals the knowledge and skills to design, install and maintain renewable energy systems and to build state-of-the-art solar homes that are efficient, practical and earth friendly.

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network - EREN - US Dept. of Energy -

Solar energy technologies use sunlight to warm and light homes, heat water, and generate electricity. Topics include solar (photovoltaic) cells, solar thermal electric power plants, photoconversion processes, passive solar buildings, solar water and space heating systems, and solar resource data.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory - US Dept. of Energy -

As the nation's leading center for renewable energy research, NREL is developing new energy technologies to benefit both the environment and the economy.



The Spiritual Naturalist

Honoring traditions that encourage a soulful relationship with nature.

Resurgence Magazine Online -

Resurgence not only offers a critique of the old paradigm, it gives working models for an emerging new paradigm. Resurgence is packed full of positive ideas about the theory and practice of good living: permaculture, community supported agriculture, local economics, ecological building, sacred architecture, art in the environment, small schools and deep ecology

Earthlight Magazine -

EarthLight Magazine celebrates the sacred living Earth, the Creator, and the awe-inspiring 13-billion-year unfolding story of the Universe. It engages Earth's degradation as a spiritual crisis and advocates a relationship of conscious, committed kinship with the Earth community.

Our Place in the Spiritual Ecology -

What are the qualities of life? Are the physical senses and intellect alone enough to understand its mystery? Scientists are looking billions of light-years in space and delving into the endlessly small subatomic regions. Both these extremes are but portals into the vast realm of energies, substances, and mind.

Economy, Ecology & Spirituality: Toward a Theory and Practic of Sustainability -

This paper presents the outlines of such a theory and practice grounded in the premise that the sustainability crisis is a direct consequence of development's contribution to accelerating the historical processes by which the human species has become increasingly alienated from its spiritual connection to nature and community. A sustainable social practice must decentralize and distribute economic power in ways that facilitate the restoration of this connection.



US EPA Superfund Program Home Page -

This section of the Web site provides an overview of the Superfund program, highlights key steps in the Superfund cleanup process, guides users to enforcement information, lists EPA's Superfund offices and partnership organizations, and provides answers to frequently asked questions.

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry -

HazDat, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry's Hazardous Substance Release/Health Effects Database, is the scientific and administrative database developed to provide access to information on the release of hazardous substances from Superfund sites or from emergency events and on the effects of hazardous substances on the health of human populations.

Superfund Basic Research Program -

This Program's primary objectives are to expand the base of scientific knowledge, reduce the amount and toxicity of hazardous substances, and ultimately, prevent adverse human health effects.

National Center for Policy Analysis -

Articles on this page: NCPA: Superfund - Privatizing Superfund - The Case for Repealing Superfund - Superfund Sites Can Be Cleaned Up in Half the Time - Cleaning Up Superfund: The Case For State Leadership - Superfund Legislation

Florida PIRG -

Article: OPPONENTS OF SUPERFUND GAVE $96 MILLION IN PAC CONTRIBUTIONS TO CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATES. Florida PIRG is a non-profit, non-partisan environmental and consumer watchdog group.



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