Top Ten Things to do During a Traffic Jam
10. "Hide" in various truck beds.
9. Order flowers on your cellular phone for a driver of your choice.
8. See how many gas caps you can collect in 10 minutes.
7. Convince several nearby drivers to climb on top of their vehicle roofs & join you in a 15 minute aerobics session.
6. Attach a hammock from your car to the bumper of the vehicle in front of you. Relax.
5. Set up a betting pool on which vehicle will run out of gas first. Bet on your own crappy vehicle. Use the winnings to pay for the tow truck & a fill-up.
4. Paint your neighbor's windshield.
3. Covertly slide into the passenger's seat & ask the vehicle beside you if they saw which way "the guy driving this thing" went.
2. Seek out a driver with a beeper. Take note of the number. Beep him every 2 minutes via your cellular phone.
1. Hold an auction selling miscellaneous junk from your vehicle to the highest bidder.
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