Overview of David Hattersley's Work at Kingston Technology

Some of the highlights of my work at Kingston Technology include the following:

-Designed and developed setup installatioon software for many different hardware devices. This software makes the hardware drivers work like built in drivers for Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows 95, and Windows 98.

-Created special setup software used for SBC's DSL modem installation. Millions of copies of this have been used for SBC's customer installations.

-Designed and implemented "Networking forr Dummies" setup software.

-Created QStart for Windows -- Win32 netwwork interface card automatic installation, configuration, and test software for Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows 95, and Windows 98.

-Developed QStart network interface card automatic installation and configuration software.

QStart is software that is sold with all Kingston's Network Adapters.

The following are links to Kingston's own Web site where you will find descriptions of the QStart program listed with all these Kingston Network Adapters:

Kingston KNE100TX 10/100 Fast-Ethernet Adapter

Kingston KNE120TX 10/100 Fast-Ethernet Adapter

Kingston KNE111TX 10/100 Fast-Ethernet Adapter

Kingston KNE20 PNP ISA Ethernet Adapter

Kingston KNE-PC2 PC Card Ethernet Adapter

With a few clicks of the mouse, QStart automatically configures the card and installs drivers so the user is ready to logon to their network.

Over one million copies have been sold since the initial version was released. Less then one percent of all versions shipped lead to technical support calls.

-Added compression for driver storage.

-Enhanced QStart so that it supports multtiple languages.

-Developed SNMP software.

-Created QStart for CD Anywhere.

Using single source cross platform development techniques, I developed both Windows 95/NT/3.1 and DOS versions of this software.

-Developed Internet Phone Sound Card Softtware.

Created user interface and hardware routines for Internet Phone Sound Card.

My Resume has a detailed descriptions about Kingston's and other projects I have worked on.

Other Kingston links: Kingston Networking Overview Kingston's Home Page

My Home Page also has other information about projects I have worked on.

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