They say words have power ;

                                            If so let me unleash them upon you ,

                                            It's this ardent need to express ,

                                            Feelings I have tried hard to suppress ...................


                                            Undefinable , undeniable , intangible emotions ,

                                            Causing unrest and heart rendering commotions .

                                            So pray let me blurt out ;

                                            All my feeling inside out !!!


                                            I have the foggiest of all info about thee;

                                            I know nothing about your personal history,

                                            And i don't feel the inclination to search for your social identity ;

                                            For i have a surrealistic image of you growing ,deep in me ................


                                            I have observed you , innumerable times ,

                                            As I walk down the corridors ,

                                            I have tried to catch every expression on thy face ;

                                            To hold them forever , in time and space .


                                             Frozen are the moments ,when i saw you smile ,

                                             Uncanny are the moments , when  our eyes locked in sight ,

                                             For all the sensations , I tried hard to fight ,

                                            You blew them away with an unseen might .........................


                                             There was never a concious effort to seek you ,

                                             Yet it's what my forlorn heart always does ,

                                             For how many times , have i stood entranced , looking at your lovely face;

                                             Fallen in line with your walking grace ...................


                                             To express my feeling for you is beyond me ;

                                             Words seem to fail me here ;

                                             I am unable to describe , what my mind fathoms you to be ;

                                             For i see my unseen future in thee ..............


                                             Yet my pragmatic mind tears my heart apart ;

                                              It reasons all this as a figment of my imagination ,

                                              It  screams at me to look at practical reality ;

                                              Impinches on me a dream's vanity !!!!!!


                                              But yet a flicker of hope burns in my soul ,

                                              It not yield to external pressures of the game ,

                                              It forever and ever remains the same ;

                                              For it questions " What Is Life ,Without An Impossible Dream !!! 


                                              Source Unknown

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