About the Datalink
What is it?
Download Protocol
Display Segments
Memory Map
150 vs 150s

Wristapp Programming
Creating Wristapps
Wristapp Format
The State Table
Wristapp Routines

Wristapp Programming
1 - Hello World
2 - Getting Input
3 - Better Input
4 - Showing Selection
5 - PassWord
6 - Day Find
7 - Playing with Sound
8 - Using Callbacks
9 - Hex Dump
10 - EEPROM Dumper
11 - Spend Watch
12 - Sound Schemes
13 - Random Numbers
14 - Hourly Chimes
15 - Lottery Picker

Sound Schemes
Sound Hardware
Sound Scheme Format

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Datalink Wristapp Developer's Resource

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27 Nov 2004 - NOTEBOOK ADAPTERS - Carl B. Van Wormer has posted a schematic for a Notebook Adapter. I haven't used it, but it looks like it should suffice for those of you who are looking for one. Thanks Carl!.

07 Sept 98 - Major reorganization! No more frames.

17 Aug 98 - I've done a little maintainence on the site and updated it to the latest Geocities standards. I've also added links to a few more of the known Datalink sites.

26 May 98 - I'm back in business with the latest Timex Datalink Expedition model. It's a lot like the 150s with one important improvement - the display is highly reflective so that even in a very small amount of light, you can see it without having to hit the Indiglo button. Way to go Timex!

31 Dec 97 - Thanks to Edwin Lakeman (lakeman@sens.nl), we now have PDF version of the documentation online. You can find it here.

30 Dec 97 - The Word document is now on line here. I haven't formatted it as nice as I would like ( there are a couple of tables that really need some work), but it should be pretty useful. You will need a copy of Microsoft Word or a you can pick up the free viewer from Microsoft. If you find any mistakes, tell me. Of course if someone has the time to update it a bit and clean up the formatting even more, please let me know first.

All of the information on these pages are the result of divining how to write Wristapps for the Datalink 150.

Some other useful reference places to find detailed information about the datalink:

All of the misteaks on these pages are mine, all mine.... :-)

John A. Toebes, VIII


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