This is a flag that was designed for the Redeye Net , when the fields are defined it will display what our hobby means to us and other amateurs alike. If you have any comments about the flag or the definitions for the fields let us know. Send us an E-Mail at , Thanks! The Redeye Net is on the Plymouth, IN. repeater of 147.285 MHz , Saturday nights @ 10PM, if your in the area check in on the net. We'd love to hear from you! Thanks to Wayne "WA9INM" for giving us the use of the great repeater system . 73 and God Bless.......Jimmie "N9VXQ"

The Red field, Is a reminder of all the amateurs that have gone before us and made our hobby what it is today.

The White field, Stands for our hobbies commitment of being there when it's needed by friends, family, and our country for communications.

The Blue field, Is for our true blue commitment of making Amateur Radio fun for all who use it, and always looking to the future to make it better.


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