ICT Balanced Scorecards (ICT BSC)
Balanced Scorecard (BSC)

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The Balanced Scorecard framework

The evaluation of the IT function has been and still remains one of the main topics of many academic and business discussions. But well-known financial measures such as the “return on investment” (ROI), “internal rate of return” (IRR), “net present value” (NPV) and the “payback” time (PB) has been demonstrated to be not sufficient to adequately explain IT investments decisions nor for their assessment. For assessing IT investments, it is crucial to understand how organisational and strategic goals are achieved. First step was to introduce more dimensions (or perspectives) of analysis, since the financial one was not sufficient, representing just the tip of the iceberg, hiding all the relations among processes.

So, in 1993 Robert S.Kaplan of the Harvard School of Business and consultant David Norton developed the Balanced Scorecard (BSC), an evolution of the concepts included in the Tableau de Bord which emerged in France at the turn of the 20th century. The aim of the Tableau was to translate each company's unit vision and mission into a set of objectives, passing through the identification of Key Success Factors and Key Performance Indicators. About the differences between the French original idea and its American "translation", there is an interesting report from Bourguignon & Malleret.

Kaplan and Norton have defined the BSC as a multi-dimensional framework for describing, implementing and managing strategy at all levels of an enterprise by linking objectives, initiatives and measures to an organisation's strategy. The scorecard then provides an enterprise view of an organisation's overall performance by integrating financial measures with other key performance indicators around customer perspectives and internal business processes, and around organisational growth, learning and innovation. It must be noted that the BSC is not a static list of measures, but rather a framework for implementing and aligning complex programs of change, and, indeed, for managing strategy-focused organisations. In summary, a scorecard is to be used to facilitate the translation of strategy into action.

Balanced Scorecard: the four original perspectives

The BSc provides a framework for studying a causal link analysis based on internal performance measurement through a set of goals, drivers and indicators (lag and lead types) grouped into four different perspectives:

According to Renaissance, a good BSc should tell the story of the organisation's strategy. Three criteria help in determining whether or not this objective has been achieved:

Several case studies on how apply BSC can be found at 2GC website, or at GlobalScorecard.net. Anyway, the reference point for BSC is the website from Kaplan & Norton, in particular the Netconferences section.

The relevance and effectiveness of the BSc in the business world has been recognised by the Harvard Business Review (HBR) which identifies it as one of the most important management practices of the past 75 years.

BSC Indicators

Metrics represent the control mechanism within BSCs for checking if the strategy map has been properly designed through the linkage among the organizational processes. They must be splitted across the four (or more) perspectives and have to be process-oriented, trying to express the goodness of such process. It is really important to "create" metrics for your own processes and not to apply "as-is" what found out from other BSC experiences (there is an interesting paper from Arthur Schneiderman about it), even if some indicators can cover common exigences.
Now it is reported a list of metrics applied by domain/theme (with a subdivision by BSC perspective), in order to provide some examples:

ICT Balanced Scorecards

The software world has recently tried to use BSC for achieving better results in Software Intensive Organisations (SIO), since Software Process Improvement (SPI) and SPI models are not a goal in itself, but just an element in the overall strategy of the company. Thus, few attempts to build an ICT scorecard have been done. The two most interesting ones are:

Therefore, the five distinct perspectives, derived from the original scorecard, are:

Some interesting suggestions and tips about the BSC for IT management are in a Compass paper from Robert S.Gold, mainly discussing how to link properly the strategic and tactical application of an ICT scorecard.

New BSC topics faced

Starting from the analysis of ICT BSC proposed in the technical literature, some interesting topics have been faced during last years. In particular:


External References

Abrahamsson P., Measuring the Success of Software Process Improvement: The Dimensions, EuroSPI 2000 Conference, Copenhagen (Denmark), November 7-9 2000
Sweeney A. & Bustard D., Strategic Alignment of Information Technology, Information Systems and Organisational Change: Practice and Performance, FEAST 2000 Conference, London (UK), July 10-12, 2000
Schmid K., Integrated Cost-and Investment models for Product Family Development, Fraunhofer Institute, Café Project, Eureka Programm, ITEA ip00004, 2003
Gouscos, D., Kalikakis M., Maria Legal M., Papadopoulou S. & Verginadis G. , A Performance and Quality Assessment Model for One-Stop Government-to-Business E-Services, Proceedings of Business Excellence '03 Conference, Guimaraes (Portugal), June 10-13 2003
Aversano L., Bodhuin T., Canfora G. & Tortorella M., A Framework for Measuring Business Processes based on GQM, HICSS'04, Proceedings of the 37th Hawaii International Conference of System Sciences, January 2004
Béland S. & Abran A., Utilisation d'un balanced scoreboard pour l'intégration des mesures associées à un programme d'assurance qualité, CUSEC 2004, Montreal (Canada), January 15-17 2004
e-Italy.com, List of webpages on Scorecards, 2004
MAAW - Management and Accounting Web, Articles & Books Related to the Balanced Scorecard
M. Golfarelli, S. Rizzi, I. Cella, Beyond data warehousing: What's next in business intelligence?, Proceedings 7th International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP (DOLAP 2004), Washington DC, 2004.
L.Proietti La Balanced Scorecard. Presupposti concettuali, implicazioni applicative ed inquadramento nell'A.S.V., Dipartimento di Scienze della Gestione d'Impresa, Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Ottobre 2002.
A.Dos Passos, Balanced Scorecards e Mapas Estratégicos: Proposta de Implantação no TCU, Monografia de conclusão do curso de graduação em Sistemas de Informação, ULBRA, Brazil, 2004
D.Lekkas & D.Spinellis, Handling and Reporting Security Advisores: A Scorecard Approach, IEEE Security & Privacy, July 2005, pp.32-41
Nick M. & Althoff K.D., Engineering Experience Base Maintenance Knowledge, IESE Technical Report 018.01/E, March 2001
Hong J., Suh E. & Em N., A Strategic Model for Consolidating BSC Measures Based on the Desirability Function: A Case Study of a Web-based Company, PACIS 2005 Conference, 9 July 2005
Hong J. A Performance System Based on the BSC Approach for Measuring Performance in a Business Environment , POSTECH 2005 Spring Seminar
L. Aversano, T. Bodhuin, G. Canfora, and M. Tortorella, Technology-Driven Business Evolution, The Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 79, no. 3, 2006, pp. 314-338
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Fry, L. W. & Matherly, L. L., Spiritual Leadership and Organizational Performance, Paper accepted for presentation at the August 2006 meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia
Parida A., Development of a Multi-criteria Hierarchical Framework for Maintenance Performance Measurement. Concepts, Issues and Challenges, Doctoral Thesis, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering - Division of Operation and Maintenance Engineering, Luleå University of Technology, 2006 M. Golfarelli, New Trends in Business Intelligence, Invited paper. In Proceedings 1st International Symposium on Business Intelligent Systems (BIS'05), Opatija, Croatia, pp. 15-26, 2005
Bernroider, Edward W.N.; Hampel, Alexander and Sumper, Andreas, F., An Application of the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic IT-Controlling Instrument for E Business Development, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB 2003), pp. 42-44, Singapore, December 2003
Masson Guerra J.L.& Truñó I Gual J., La Cuarta Generacion de Balanced Scorecard: Revision Critica de la Literatura Conceptual Y Empirica, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, 10 Mayo 2006
Veras Rodrigues M., Método Para Determinação Da Escala De Prioridade De Ações Estratégicas Fundamentado No Grau De Inter-Relacionamento Entre Os Indicadores Das Perspectivas Do Balanced Scorecard (Bsc) E O Valor Econômico Adicionado (Eva), Universidade Federal De Santa Catarina, Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Engenharia De Produção, Florianópolis (Brasil), 2005
Tröger M., Konzeption und prototypische Realisierung eines Rollenund Sichtenkonzepts für das FSeMP, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Informatik, Institut für Verteilte Systeme, Diplomarbeit, 11. März 2005
Hermann A., Paech B., Software Quality by Misuse Analysis, Working Paper 2005-AH-1, University of Heidelberg (Germany), version 1.5, 9 January 2007
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Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, Deliverable 3.2: Guidelines to develop a balanced scorecard in entrepreneurial universities, GLOBALSTART PROJECT (IPS-2001-41038), December 2005
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Chang L.C., Tu Y.M., Establishing the Balanced Scorecard of the IC Design Company in Taiwan through System Dynamics, Systems Dynamics
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Lee A.H.I., Chen W.C. & Chang C.J., A fuzzy AHP and BSC approach for evaluating performance of IT department in the manufacturing industry in Taiwan, Journal of Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier, Vol.34 (2008), pp.96–107
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Schmidt K., Integrated Cost and Investment Models for Product Family Development, IESE Report no. 067.03/E, Version 1.0, 21 July 2003
Software Project Metrics, Technical Report, King Saud University, 18 December 2007
Freitas Spinola M. & Prospero dos Santos N.M.A, Sistema de apoio à decisão em contexto espaço-temporal, Relatorio de Trabalho Final de Curso, Curso de Licenciatura en Engenharia Informatica e de Computadores, Ano Lectivo 2005/06, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (Portugal)
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Last update: July 7, 2008
Previous update: January 3, 2008
Created: November 10, 2002