
Professional Interests

Engineering.IT the Company where I am currently working (formerly Atos Origin Italy m SchlumbergerSema and Sema Group). If interested, take a look to my bio-sketch!

LRGL/GELOG - Laboratoire de Recherche en Gestion des Logiciels, the Laboratory in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, where I am currently Associate Professor for the ETS (Ecole de Technologie Superieure)

CUBIT - Software Measurement Laboratory @ University of Alcalą (Spain), where I am currently External Researcher

European Software Institute, the Institute where I've worked in the Measurement product-line, in particular on the BITS (Balanced IT Scorecard)

The Associations I am currently member of: IEEE Computer Society, AICA

- Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia (Italian Function Point User Group) - Italian Software Metrics Association and the Software Measurement Committee(SMC). You can download for free our quarterly newsletter and look at in a deeper way to our activities. Join us!

- Associazione Italiana Cultura Qualitą (Italian Association for the Quality Culture) and the Software Quality Committee. Join us!

- Istituto Italiano di Project Management (Italian Institute for Project Management) - a new born Institute for those interested in Software Project Management with Agile approaches and techniques. Join us!

CMG - Computer Measurement Group (e il suo capitolo italiano)

The Software Measurement Laboratory  at the University of Magdeburg, Germany - (Cross-link to this website)

The Software Metrics website  by Thomas Fetcke - (Cross-link to this website)

The Notes from the Field  by Mike Tarrani & Linda Zarate - (Cross-link to this website on the Jan-29-2002 notes)

The History of Software Measurement  by Horst Zuse

Mondomatica (in Italian)  by Domenico Natale

Informatica nell'Organizzazione (in Italian)  by Tommaso Federici

PSM  -- Practical Software & Systems Measurement. This webpage offers several valuable information and products on Software & Systems Measurement.

WhatIsTesting.Com  -- A Tester's Paradise (See "Resources | Articles")

Software-Engineer.Org  -- A Community for Software Engineers

Metricas de Software en la Red  -- by Javier Vidal Valenzuela (in Spanish)

Forum for Excellence (FfE)  -- an international group of quality aficionados who are trying with this website to close a gap in our continues strive to promote the idea that practically performed quality management can indeed support bottom line results. (Cross-link to this website)

ZPG Performance Measurement Resources  -- a website helping the human resources and management communities solve their performance measurement and performance management problems. All of these resources can be viewed on-line, free of charge  -- a website delivering fresh contents daily plus a storehouse information for builing better software. This links guides you in the "Measurement" zone

Roger S.Pressman & Associate Reference Library  -- a lot of great stuffs cited in his 6/e book "Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach"

 A useful series of links about SPI [1, 2] and newsgroups about SE in general [1, 2, 3, 4]

[Bio Sketch] [Misurare il Software] [Publications] [Conferences] Home Page [QEST & LIME models] [Presentations] [...& Links]

Last update: December 13, 2008
Previous update: August 13, 2008
Page Created: August 1, 1999