Biochemistry: DNA structure (chemical).
Biochemistry, the chemistry of life.  Biochemistry was one of my main interests: biochemistry program; thats how I found RIT. When I found that RIT is the 5th best Biochemistry Program in the nations, it IMMEDIATELY caught my attention.
Biotechnology: I'm looking into possibilities in the fields of genetic engineering in the medical fields, food production, but I still have an open mind about various other programs.
photo compliments of Lawrence Livermore National Library
Being that I am part of the Undeclared Science Program here at Rochester Institute of Technology, I am still unsure of exactly where I am going.  While I leaning toward biochemistry or biotechnology, I still want to be more sure before I declare my program of study.  RIT offers keys to so many doors to so many futures, that I am afraid to walk too far down a hallways or lose sight of any doors before before I am sure through which I wish to journey.
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