Flash MX Components: FTree Example with Custom Expanders

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/* ===========
 * Description
 * ===========
 * This uses the same code as described in FTree Loading External XML, however
 * the original draws the expanders (+ and - sign) using actionscript. In this example
 * movieclips with the linkage names "expander_closed" and "expander_open" were
 * introduced which hold custom graphics.
 * To use those also the prototype.drawExpander function in the FTreeSelectableItemClass
 * movieclip had to be changed to the code shown below.
 * © Bernhard Gaul, 2003
 * ===========

FTreeSelectableItemClass.prototype.drawExpander = function(parentClip, nodeObj, width, selected) {
    var cn = parentClip;
var cw = 1;
    if(!nodeObj.isOpen()) {
attachMovie("expander_closed", "ex",1);
else {
attachMovie("expander_open", "ex",1);
    var ex = cn["ex"];
    var mx = Math.floor(cw/2) + 1;
    var mid = Math.floor(mx/2);
_x = Math.floor(this.mx - mid);
_y = Math.floor(this.my - mid);