Flash: menu sample (TellTarget)


this graphic shows the structure of the file. "/" indicates the main timeline, "one", "two" and "three" are the instance names of the movieclips that contain the buttons.

to send commands between timelines you have to specify which timeline should recive the command using TellTarget.

If movieclips are the target you have to use the instance name to identify them, and if, as in our example, you send a command from a button within a movieclip (eg. "three") to another movie clip (eg. "one") then you have to specify the full path to the target clip. in our case this is "/one", whereby the "/" indicates the main timeline. very much like site root relative paths in a HTML file.

please look up the actions on the buttons within the movieclips. each button sends off four commands:
- one each to the other button timelines to tell them to go to frame 1
- one to the main timeline (/) to tell it where to go
- and one to its own timeline to go to frame 2 which shows the pressed button.

please look up as well technotes 13479 and 14123.


click here to download the sample file