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Academic Profile of WT Ang
Whye-Teong Ang, PhD
Associate Professor
Room N3.1-B2c-11 (Where is this?)
Division of Engineering Mechanics
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798
+ 65 6790-5937

Proverbs 16: 9
A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.
Proverbs 24:3-4
Through wisdom is a house builded; and by understanding it is established: And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.

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 Conferences, news, highlights,  etc etc etc
ODEs: Methods and Applications   NEW!
Tips for Good Tertiary Teaching
A Beginner's Course: Boundary Element Methods

History of Mathematics

Academicians I Met
(No man is an island)
IJMS (Call for Papers: Int J Mechanics and Solids)
Webometrics Ranking of World Universities
Academic Ranking of World Universities
BeTeq2003(.(July 03, Granada, Spain) (over)
BeTeq2002.. (Sept 02, Tsinghua, Beijing) (over)
Impact Factors: Use and Abuse
 Academic Profile
I graduated with a PhD in Applied Mathematics from the University of Adelaide in 1987. Prior to joining Nanyang Technological University, I had worked at various universities in the USA, Australia and Malaysia. Some details of my academic experience may be found in my curriculum vitae (where one may also download some preprints preprints of my research papers).
My research interest is in the general areas of applied and engineering mathematics. Some specific areas in which I have worked include the boundary element method, stress analysis around cracks, heat transfer and solution of non-classical boundary value problems. For some details of my research work, please check  research and publications and a list of my journal papers with some links to the articles (at the websites of the publishers).  Some preprints preprints of my research papers may be downloaded from my curriculum vitae.  Prospective research students may also be interested in finding out more about  research opportunities at NTU.
I have been teaching courses in applied and engineering mathematics since 1988. 
 External Links
Other links which may be of general interest or which are of personal interest to me are listed here, e.g. universities, publishers and history of mathematics.
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