D'Kora Mk III Class Marauder

While large numbers of Marauders continue to serve in the Alliance navy, they are gradually becoming obsolete.
To correct this problem, the Ferengi Alliance has proposed a major upgrade for the Marauder, fitting it with a Cloaking Device, additional weaponry, and making major improvements to the shielding systems, allowing the D'Kora to once again compete with the latest designs of other empires.

Advanced Fort Knox Class Command Station

While few would claim that the Fort Knox is in any way obsolete, the Alliance has no intention of resting on its past triumphs. Primary goals in the Fort Knox Advanced design are to replace several cargo bays with fighter launch bays. If possible, the stations may also be fitted with Cloaking Devices, to enable them to covertly monitor disputed sectors.

Consortium Class Advanced Carrier

While currently not a high priority, in the future even the impressive Invincible class heavy carrier will become obsolete. To replace it, Alliance engineers have designed a massive behemoth of a ship, capable of carrying up to eight squadrons of starfighters, as well as an impressive array of disruptor cannons and plasma weaponry.

Organic Hull Plating

Thanks to the Breen, the Alliance now has access to samples of organic technology. Ferengi scientists believe we may be able to reverse engineer the technology, to create our own organic or partially organic warships.
Organic starships would be able to regenerate damage quickly, without needing to undergo lengthy repairs. An organic drive system might also be able to synthesise its own fuel, increasing propulsion efficiency.

Neurogenic Interfaces

An advanced computer interface, allowing the ship to respond instantaneously to the pilot's thoughts, increasing reaction times and efficiency.
While similar technologies have been used in both Jem'Haddar attack ships and the 'Alice' class shuttle, interfaces like this have never been attempted on Ferengi brain structures. However, if successful, the Alliance fighter pilot corps could have a decisive edge over all other pilots in the quadrant.


Changeling Nets

An advanced piece of technology, capable of altering someone's appearance and voice to mimic someone else. It is almost undetectable to sensors, and is the perfect disguise for spies and infiltrators.
However, it uses massive amounts of power, and prolonged use can have deadly side effects. We expect to have these flaws corrected in the final design of the device.


Ikaaran War Machines

The now extinct civilisation on Ikaara VII is believed to have used robotic mechanoids in combat. Several components from such devices have been found in IPXs explorations of the planet. With samples of this technology, combined with captured Borg technology at our disposal, we believe we may be able to construct our own robot warriors to fight battles for us.