Alva E. Hare
Here you will find artwork and links to artistic pages.
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Art work created from text. I didn't create any of this, I copied this intricate artwork from the interenet.

Y2K Terminator
My original art, work in progress.

The Brig Niagra
This is a movie of a ship from Erie Pennsylvania. The flag ship of the fleet, it was commanded Admiral Oliver Hazzard Perry.

Tiamats World
This page is loaded with artwork and great music. It also has a very nice card service which allows you to send web-based post cards for free. (Opens in a new browser window.)

Taken from the Art Bell Web Page.

I found this on a web page that asserted that this was a precolumbian piece of art that depicts dinosaurs.

I am Monopolist, of Borg. Where do you want to go today? Resistance is futile.
Learn how Bill Gates may well be the PRINCE OF DARKNESS, The Evil One, Worse that the IRS.