May 1999
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A Technology Publication of the Haverford Lower School
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Fifth grade use digital camera and HyperStudio to create virtual tours of castles and Ryan Gym!

by Mr. Brown

    Fifth grade boys have used the digital camera to take pictures of castles that they created by hand and to get shots inside Ryan Gym before it is demolished. In all, over 200 photos were taken. With the photos loaded on the LS server computer, students were taught how to load backgrounds onto cards in HyperStudio.
    The HyperStudio program enables students to place buttons, sounds, recordings, text boxes, animation and more into a non-linear slide presentation.
    One Haverford students working on his virtual tour of the gym said "It's really cool! I like the idea that we'll be able to tour the old gym even after it's demolished." Another student, while working on his castle, said "HyperStudio is really great! In my castle I can create a tour, a game, add paintings and more. It's fun!"
    The digital camera and HyperStudio allow students record and synthesize past work and events. Next year, the fifth grade will begin work on creating a digital time capsule for the new millennium.

Second graders use classroom knowledge and the Internet to create a USA presentation


by Mr. Meakim

    The second grade has just completed their State reports in the computer lab. Throughout the month of April second graders were learning their states and state capitols in the regular classroom. With this newly acquired knowledge the boys created a presentation of the fifty states using the program HyperStudio.
    Using a large map of the USA, the boys placed buttons on each state. These buttons acted like links that would take you to the desired state. The boys completed as many states as they could in the alloted time. To finish the assignment the boys conducted a search on the Internet.
    The second grade went to the United States Cencus Bureau website ( At this site they conducted a search for facts about different states. They found out the population, the names of five different counties, and several other interesting facts. After importing their picture, the boys also copied and pasted notes they took into theirr presentations.

Fourth Grade use HyperStudio to update portfolios

by Mr. Brown

    Fourth grade boys have used HyperStudio to create a slide portfolio of work that they have done in the computer lab. Portfolio links to projects completed  include the potato chip study, Sign of the Beaver book report, Oregon Trail game report, Oregon Trail Fantasic Story summary, Oregon Trail postcards home,  Number the Stars chapter summary, science plant reports,  Ancient Greece open-net quizzes and keyboard scores.
    Many fourth grade boys found portfolios that they had created in 3rd grade and created links to this work as well. The current plan is to have all students begin to create portfolios of various work that they create on the computer as well as work that can be scanned. In a recent curriculum committee meeting, LS Head Mr. Baroody charged the technology coordinators with scanning one piece of each students handwriting on an annual basis so that boys can see the transition.


    While at the Pennsylvania Educational Technology Conference, Mr. Brown and network technician Mark Elder observed the world premier of SiteCentral, the new web authoring tool from Roger Wagner Publishing (makers of HyperStudio). SiteCentral is an object-oriented tool, which means that it will offer students a way to drag and drop their HyperStudio presentations into a Web page. Roger Wagner personally demonstrated the SiteCentral product at the conference and Mr. Brown and Mr. Elder were impressed at the ease with which a HyperStudio document can become a Web page. What this means for Haverford students is that soon, their portfolios will be available to be posted on the Web.

Questions or comments can be directed to
Jay Brown
610-642-3020 x333