March 1999
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Third Grade Mayflowers
Sail to a New World!

Haverford School student adds a little extra wind
to the sails of the 3-Yoh Mayflower


by Mr. Brian Meakim

     In November three third grade classes each built and launched replicas of the Mayflower.  The multi disciplinary assignment involved computer science, science, and art class to complete the project.
     While in the computer lab with Brian Meakim, students explored the concept of model building and the use of scale.  Third graders took a toy Volkswagen Beetle and were required to find out how many times bigger a real Beetle was.  We also shrank students down to the size of an action figure and discussed the use of fractions to show scale.  When this was completed students created a 1/67 scale Mayflower using Logo programming software.
     With Bill Palmer in the science lab, students explored the concepts of buoyancy, star navigation, displacement, and ballast. During science all of the concepts were tested by the students in a hands on environment.   In Art with Jenny Waring the students constructed masts and sails for the ships.  The sails were colorfully decorated with authentic symbols and flags.
     Using both science and computer class time the students constructed and caulked the boats.  Each class had different ideas and created original designs.  All boats were constructed of Popsicle sticks and hot glue. After the ships were assembled and had proven themselves seaworthy it was time to race.
     With much of the Lower School watching the newly constructed Mayflowers sailed across the pool.

Mrs. Straub stands with proud 3rd grade ship builders.

      In this multi-disciplinary cooperative learning project students explored the concepts of geometry, spatial reasoning, scale, ship construction, and teamwork.  The funneling of 17 individual ideas into one pool-worthy Popsicle ship!


5th Grade Boys use Internet for Science Research

by Mr. Brown

     Fifth grade boys have been given an assignment from Dr. Turner to do a three paragraph report on space-flight. The requirements for the project can be found on Dr. Turner's Web site.
     Boys have used library books and Internet resources, such as the NASA homepage and Scholastic Network's Space Frontier. Students have also checked their e-mail frequently for tips from Dr. Turner, Mr. Brown and other 5th grade students who share the same topic.

Two Haverford 5th Grade students proudly display their work.


     Students can choose to do their report either as a Microsoft Word document or as a Web page made in Netscape Composer. One 5th grade boy has chosen to do his report as a Web page because as he says, "It's more creative, interactive and teachers only have to click to check our sources!"
     All reports are due to be filed on the Lower School server by Thursday, March 25th. A+ reports will be posted on Dr. Turner and Mr. Brown's Web sites which can be found at

First Grade Sea Animal Reports

by Mr. Brian Meakim

    The first grade has just completed their Sea Animal reports in the computer lab.  The students composed paragraphs using knowledge acquired in both the regular classroom and the computer lab.  In the classroom Students used various research materials to gather information.  On several occasions the Internet was brought in to the classroom for research.  In the lab students used a CD-Rom encyclopedia to find additional information.

KidPix graphic by Haverford 1st grade boy.

     The students then typed their paragraph over top of a picture of their sea creature.  The picture was made using KidPix art software.  Students created the picture to represent the sea animals in their natural habitat.  Once the picture and paragraph were completed students printed their work.  This work was then laminated and bound into a book for the class.

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