A Famous Kansas Child
     "This is a true story about a little girl in Topeka, Kansas...Her name, and facts about her life, introduced one of the most important cases ever to be decided by the Supreme Court."

Source: American Bar Association (2004)

Activity: Read aloud, summarize, illustrate & learn

Fifth grade students will read aloud one chapter each day from the ABA Web site:

Students will work in groups of four to create four illustrations and captions for each chapter. Top illustrations will be linked to this Web page. Vocabulary words below will be included as part of a test.

KidPix Picture by Tate C.
Student summaries, captions, and illustrations


Chapter 1
troupers Actors who travel around the country presenting plays.
welders Repair people who work with fire and steel.
solemn Deeply serious.
pastor Minister or priest.

Chapter 2
weather vane A metal pointer placed on top of buildings that rotates with the wind.
sculpture A work of art.
Sumner "1875-80: Sometime in this period, the first of four schools was built on the site at S.W. 4th and Western. It was named for U.S. Sen. Charles B. Sumner (1811-74) of Massachusetts, an aggressive anti-slavery leader. Interestingly, it was a school for black children from its opening until 1885."

-Source: Topeka Capital Journal

Chapter 3
podium A stand for holding notes for a public speaker.
segregation Practice of separating people of different races, classes, or ethnic groups.
testified To make a statement of truth or fact.
integration Bringing of people of different racial or ethnic groups together.

Chapter 4
amendment Changing for the better.
guaranteed A promise...to make certain. A sure thing.
previous What happened before.
criticize To find fault with.

Monroe School
National Park Service Photograph

Internet Resources

Primary Resource:
ABA Lessons K-6: Fairness and Equal Treatment: A Famous Kansas Child

MCPS: 50th Anniversary of Brown v. Topeka Board of Education Landmark U.S. Supreme Court Decision

Brown v. Topeka Board of Education

Tolerance.org: Teaching Tolerance: Brown v. Board: An American Legacy

Brown 50 Years & Beyond: Promise & Progress

Brown v. Board of Education: Myths and Truths

PBS: Linda Carol Brown http://www.pbs.org/kcet/publicschool/innovators/brown.html