Continents Fact Hunt

Collect facts about the continents of the world.  For each continent you will note:

* The number of countries.
* The general location: Mainly north or south of the equator? Mainly east or west of the Prime Meridian (zero degrees longitude on the map)?

One interesting fact about:

* People
* Land
* Animals
* Weather / climate
* History, customs, or religion (choose one)

When you are finished collecting your facts, you will draw a KidPix picture relating to one of your facts, and begin work on the next continent. Use the TRUCK and the MAGNET from KidPix to COPY and PASTE your drawing into Netscape Composer. Share your research with a 2nd grade student who sits at your computer!

How to get started

1. Log in to Novell and open the social.html page - (in Composer) - from your portfolio.

2. Type:

North America
South America

Save and minimize your social.html.

3. Use this resource to begin your research:

The Seven Continents, Veterans Memorial Elementary School, Central Falls, Rhode Island

There are additional resource links for you to find from the bottom of each page on the above website. Make sure that you click these links and read for facts.

Your Social Studies page might look like this:

Social Studies
Main Page

Continent Fact Hunt

North America
South America


Africa is located mainly _____ of the equator, although there are ____ countries on the continent that are _____ of the equator. There are ____ (number) countries in Africa.

The people of Africa.....

The land in Africa....

Some of the animals in Africa are....

The climate in Africa....

One of the customs (or religion) of the people of Africa is....

PASTE KidPix picture

Starting point for your web research: The Seven Continents, Veterans Memorial Elementary School, Central Falls, Rhode Island

Other web resources: Africa - Public Broadcasting System

NEW! Library books available in the computer lab: "Internet Field Trip" series on the seven continents. Author: Erin M. Hovanec. Books are on the table next to the new iMac!!!

Last Updated by Mr. Brown: October 21, 2001