Logo Mazes!

Fourth grade students will have a chance to use the Logo program to make mazes for third student to navigate.
Here is what my maze looks like:

I made this maze in Logo using a PROCEDURE. To make a maze procedure, start by typing:

To Maze
fd 100

Use the F2 key to DEFINE your procedure.

Type DRAW MAZE. To get back and add walls to your maze, type TO MAZE.

Be careful not to do all of your work in the LISTENER screen. You can not save work from the listener screen. You can only save work that has been defined <F2> in a procedure!

Here is a list of useful Logo commands for you to use:

FD # Moves the turtle forward
BK # Move the turtle backward
REPEAT Repeats information: REPEAT 4[fd 50 rt 90]
RT # Turns the turtle right
LT # Turns the turtle left
HOME Sends the turtle to the center of the graphics screen
TT Type Text. TT[start] will print text from the turtle on the graphics screen
SETPC Sets the color of the turtle. SETPC BLUE sets the pen color to blue
PU Pen Up - Allows the turtle to move without drawing lines
PD Pen Down - Allows the turtle to draw lines again
DRAW Sets the turtle back to home and clears the screen
SETBG Sets the color of the graphics screen. SETBG GREEN sets the screen green
SAVE Saves procedures
LOAD Loads procedures

Project page by Mr. Brown
Date updated: December 12, 2002