HyperStudio Castle Project

    You may work alone or in groups of two. You should follow the guidlines below and check the scoring rubric to make sure that you get a CHECK PLUS for your project.


Use Inspiration to mind-map your project. Think of your center card in Inspiration as your main card in HyperStudio. Give your castle a name. Use other cards in Inspiration for castle terms and definitions, as well as items from the scoring rubric.

Use the following websites for resources:

Ian's Land of Castles

Castles on the Web

Castles of the World

Also, try using Google to do a Web search on your own to see what you might find.

Scoring rubric

You will need to have the following items in your mind map and HyperStudio stack:
Main card with castle picture and links to every other card 25 points
At least SIX different castle terms with definitions 25 points
Printscreen of Inspiration mind map 10 points
Bibliography card with links 15 points
Presentation 25 points
Total 100 pts.

Save your HyperStudio stack in your home directory. Use the laptop and presentation monitor to log in and present your stack to class for credit. Last day to present your stack: May 22, 2001.

Created by Mr. Brown
Last update: April 21, 2001